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  • January 10, 1994

    PLO-Israel talks resume in Taba, Egypt. Israeli delegation led by IDF Maj. Gen. Amnon Shahak, PLO by Nabil Shaath. Shaath estimates 3 weeks required for sides to reach Gaza-Jericho withdrawal...

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PLO-Israel talks resume in Taba, Egypt. Israeli delegation led by IDF Maj. Gen. Amnon Shahak, PLO by Nabil Shaath. Shaath estimates 3 weeks required for sides to reach Gaza-Jericho withdrawal agreement (MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; NYT, WT 1/10; CSM, WP 1/11)

"Kahane Chai" mbrs. assault U.S. journalist Robert Friedman, visiting West Bank settlement of Tapuah. Group holds Friedman responsible for "witch hunt" against late Rabbi Meir Kahane, murdered in New York in 1990. (WP 1/11; WT 1/12)

3 U.S. congressional staffers tour villages nr. Sultan Ya'qub, Lebanon, in search for evidence of IDF soldiers missing since 1986. (RL, VOL 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; WT 1/11)

U.S.-Israel Joint Political-Military Group begins 20th session of talks on U.S.-Israel strategic cooperation with mtg. of military affairs. subcomm. Plenum, chaired by Israeli DMin. DG David Ivry and U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Robert Galluci, to meet 1/12. (MM 1/10)

"Damascus Declaration" countries (GCC states, Egypt, Syria) issue statement on upcoming Clinton-al-Asad summit "affirming their strong backing for Pres. Asad." (MM 1/10)