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  • November 29, 1994

    2-day mtg. of donor countries begins in Brussels. World Bank grants PA $58 m., tells Arafat only $240 m. of $700 m. promised by donors is likely to arrive this yr.; cites donors' desire to finance...

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2-day mtg. of donor countries begins in Brussels. World Bank grants PA $58 m., tells Arafat only $240 m. of $700 m. promised by donors is likely to arrive this yr.; cites donors' desire to finance prestige projects, not day-to-day needs, delays in implementing autonomy, lack of guarantees fr. Arafat. Donors ask Israel to ease restrictions on Palestinian workers. (MM 11/29; La Une Radio, Brussels 11/29, QY 11/30, VOP 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; WT 11/30; NYT, WP 12/1; Le Soir 12/1 in FBIS 12/2; PR 12/4)

PM Rabin tours Tomb of the Patriarchs. Says he will ask for Palestinian elections without Israeli withdrawal fr. West Bank towns during upcoming talks in Cairo; seeks to separate Israelis fr. Palestinians but will not remove settlements now; wants to create jobs in West Bank to keep Palestinian workers out of Israel. (WT 11/30; NYT 12/5)

Islamic Conference Organization (ICO) issues statement expressing solidarity with Palestinians, supporting peace process. (SPA, Riyad 11/29 in FBIS 11/29)

Israeli FM Dir. Gen. Uri Savir says Israel will no longer block imports of materials to, impede economic development in Gaza. (NYT 12/1)