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  • June 2, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Peres announces last stage of IDF withdrawal from southern Lebanon will be completed by 6 June; but unspecified number of...

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  • September 20, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to...

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  • June 8, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Peres announces last stage of IDF withdrawal from southern Lebanon will be completed by 6 June; but unspecified number of soldiers will remain in "security zone" [NYT 6/3]. U.S. Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis ends 8-year tour of duty [JTA 6/3]. Council of Jewish Settlements in West Bank calls for official action to deport Palestinians released 20 May [JTA 6/3]. Council Chair Yisrael Har'el says harassment tactics used againsthem by settlers igenerating sympathy for Palestinians among some Israelis. Wives of Jewish underground defendants end 13-day hunger strike after receiving order from rabbi to desist and assurances Knesset bill will be introduced to grant defendants clemency. Defendants tell court attempted Temple Mount sabotage was intended only "to frighten," not kill. Summer visiting season for relatives to West Bank residents begins. 2,500 visitors will be allowed to cross Allenby Bridge per day, up from 1,250; 1,100 over Damiya Bridge, up from 800 [JP 6/3]. Israeli settlers in West Bank and Gaza meet at Pesagot near Ramallah to discuss how to torpedo the envisaged peace talks with Jordan and how to force out of the country Arabs freed May 20 [JP 6/3]. Rejecting Hussein Plan and U.S. overtures, Shamir and Likud want direct talks with non-PLO/PNC-Jordanian or Jordanian-Palestinian delegation. Peres and Labor party take "wait and see" position on delegation that includes PNC members.

Arab Countries: Red Cross evacuates 29 from Burj al-Barajinah [FT 6/3]. 93 Palestinians taken to hospitals in Druze-held mountain town of Shuwayfat. Shi'a militiamen take 5 Palestinians from ambulances, later let them be evacuated.

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz sends message to P. M. Peres seeking Israeli backing for projected American talks with Jordanian-Palestinian delegation as step toward direct talks with Israel [NYT 6/3]. U.S. accepts PNC representation idelegation. Shultz says he is glad PLO has accepted UN resolutions 242 and 338 but says U.S. needs public statement before considering talking to PLO [JTA 6/3]. He opposes Hussein's proposal of Soviet participation in peace talks. 

Military Action:

IDF begins pulling out troops from West Beirut under mounting world pressure; thousands of Palestinians flee camps in panic, fearing return of Phalange/Haddad militias to camps following IDF withdrawal, before Lebanese Army can restore calm; Phalange and Haddad forces sighted setting up own roadblocks in West Beirut.


Red Cross continues to recover bodies, 130 recovered so far, no mass graves opened yet.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Controversy grows as media report government officials were aware that civilians were being killed in camps 36 hours before they intervened (denied by government officials); Haaretz, Davar, Jerusalem Post, Maariv call for ouster of Sharon and/or Begin, convening of national board of inquiry into Israeli complicity in massacre; Begin's office concedes Cabinet gave advance approval for IDF to allow Phalange/Haddad militias to enter camps last week; Israeli President Navon calls for independent inquiry into the massacre, Begin favors only investigating commission; National Religious Party joins Navon in pressuring Begin to allow a full investigation; Labor, Mapam, Shinui and Peace Now call for mass rally in Tel Aviv on Saturday; Palestinian leaders voice outrage at massacre; Palestinian youth throw stones at Israeli vehicles, set fire to tires in Ramallah and Nablus, police disperse crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets with no casualties; many stores close in protest, are forced open by Israeli soldiers; school openings in occupied territories postponed for two weeks; over 40 representatives of West Bank and Gaza refugees occupy UNRWA Jerusalem office to protest food ration cuts announced Sept. 1, UNRWA Employees' Union joins protest.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Palestine Central Council ends one-day meeting with statement condemning Israeli role in massacre, blaming Lebanese Army, US, France and Italy, and pledges to avenge killings; Camille Chamoun withdraws from race for Lebanese presidency as it becomes clear Amin Gemayel has votes to win.

Arab Governments: Egypt recalls ambassador to Israel but does not break diplomatic relations; Jordan's King Hussein accuses Israel of responsibility for massacre but urges positive Arab response to Reagan proposals, calls on PLO to join him to draw up federation plan along lines of Reagan proposal; emergency Arab League meeting in Tunis called at request of PLO delayed until tomorrow.

US and Other Counties: Reagan agrees to Lebanese request for return of US Marines, asks Israel to pull out of Beirut; Congress gives troubled support to decision, Weinberger doubts presence of Marines would have prevented massacre; several US Jewish leaders call for inquiry, demand that Israel cut all ties with Christian groups involved in massacre; USSR condemns Israel but blames US for "encouraging" Israel's "criminal aggression," proposes joint US-Soviet action to curb Israel; Indian Prime Minister Gandhi condemns massacre; 10-member European Community condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal; Danish Foreign Minister meets with PLO leader Kaddoumi, says PLO must be associated with Middle East peace talks; Italian workers go on hour-long strike and attend rallies protesting massacre; Britain condemns massacre, demands Israeli withdrawal.

Military Action:

Israeli forces advance to 15 miles from Beirut; one of the biggest air battles since the 1973 war takes place over Beirut (6 Syrian, 2 Israeli jets reported down); heavy fighting in Tyre and Sidon continues, as Tyre residents are told via air-dropped leaflets to go to beaches to avoid bombings, city is shown in flames; 15,000 people try to enter city from countryside, saying they have no food; Israelis move 100 tanks into mountains east of PLO stronghold of Damour; Israeli shells re-portedly destroy a Red Cross center on the edge of Sidon; tank battles near Jezzine, and Israelis reportedly aim to cut highway to Syria; Israeli planes blast road 2 miles south of Beirut airport; fierce fighting between Israeli and Syrian troops on edge of Beirut; Israelis capture Lebanese president's summer residence at Beiteddine; third attack on Beirut sports complex.

Syrians engage Israelis on southern edges of Beirut, along Beirut-Damascus highway; major Syrian-Israeli tank battle shaping up in Chouf region, stronghold of PLO ally and Lebanese National Movement (LNM) leader Walid Jumblatt (temporarily out of country).

Fierce resistance from PLO units continues in Tyre and Sidon; a few PLO-fired rockets fall on northern Galilee, from enclave controlled by Syria; PLO and Lebanon accept UN call for a cease-fire.


Beirut residents stockpile goods and Palestinian suburbs almost deserted as residents fan out into city; Red Cross center in Sidon destroyed by Israeli shelling; thousands of refugees pour into Beirut from southern Lebanon; 10,000 people placed under Red Cross care in Tyre alone.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Prime Minister Begin lays out 4 conditions for withdrawal from Lebanon, including removal of all Syrian and PLO forces from Lebanon, creation of a 40 km demilitarized zone north of the Israeli border; Knesset defeats no-confidence vote, 94-3; Israeli Ambassador Arens meets with Deputy Secretary of State Stoessel, Defense Secretary Weinberger and Senator Percy as a former Israeli general meets the US press; Begin calls on Assad not to engage Israeli troops; UN reports continue to be censored; about 40 demonstrators opposed to the invasion are attacked in Tel Aviv.

Palestinians/Lebanese: Arafat meets with USSR Ambassador; Lebanese president appeals to Arab League to hold a meeting; Lebanon's UN Ambassador says casualties run into thousands, mostly civilians.

Arab Governments: Iranian volunteers reported arriving in Lebanon via Syria, as well as Palestinian volunteers from Jordan and Kuwait; Arab diplomats from Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrein, Jordan and Algeria ask the US to pressure Israel to withdraw immediately, accept cease-fire; Syria rejects any troop withdrawal from Lebanon, reacting to reports of new Israeli conditions for a withdrawal.

US: Reagan, in London, appeals for an end to hostilities; Haig later says US would not deny Israel the "right of legitimate self-defense."

UN: Lebanon and the PLO accept the UN call for a cease-fire; Israel rejects the Security Council demand for withdrawal. Lebanon circulates a petition condemning Israel, threatening sanctions if it does not withdraw. UNIFIL General Callaghan makes first offi-cial protest of the invasion to Israel.