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  • November 30, 1992

    Israeli govt. submits proposed amendment to Knesset that would permit contacts with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

    Ramallah-based Palestinian Public Opinion Research Center...

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Israeli govt. submits proposed amendment to Knesset that would permit contacts with the PLO. (Qol Yisra'el 11/30 in FBIS 12/1)

Ramallah-based Palestinian Public Opinion Research Center releases poll of 1,000 o.t. residents on peace process. 68% said the negotiations have "a chance" for achieving peace; 25% see no hope in negotiations, whatever the terms. 76% accept autonomy if it leads to Palestinian sovereignty, 61% say rejectionists have no reliable agenda to confront the peace process. (al-Fajr 12/1 in FBIS 12/3)

Peace Now releases o.t. demographic survey, concluding that settlement movement in o.t. has failed, with inflated govt. investment over the years resulting in a small number of settlers who only provoke violence. Yesha Council (of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza) charges Peace Now with tailoring facts to fit their political orientation. (IDF Radio 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; MM 12/1)

Al-Quds al-Arabi publishes interview with Chmn. Arafat criticizing Syria for "adopting" the ten rejectionist factions, Iran and the Gulf states for supporting Hamas. (MM 12/1)

Katyusha rocket fired at IDF post in "security zone" (first such firing since 11/12), followed by bombardment of SLA positions north of zone. Israel, SLA shells Iqlim al-Tuffah region. (Radio Lebanon, VOL 12/1 in FBIS 12/1)