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  • August 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities arrest 4 al-Najah U. students without charges, jail them under administrative detention orders. Army claims they are...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities arrest 4 al-Najah U. students without charges, jail them under administrative detention orders. Army claims they are local leaders of Fateh, PFLP, and DFLP [FJ 8/9]. Nine Palestinian ex-prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange are served with deportation notices. Army states they can be deported because they cannot prove residency before original detentions. The 9 are from a group of 31 (out of the 1,150 ex-prisoners released 5/20) who do not have West Bank or Gaza IDs. They had all been told upon release they must leave when their residency permits expire this week. Some have nowhere to go. The Red Cross is looking into their cases [CT 8/7].) The High Court orders a delay in the deportation of one of the ex-prisoners, 'Abd al-Mujid Rudad, who argued that his whole family lives in Tulkarm and that during his 17 years of detention he repeatedly expressed regret for his political activities [WP 8/7]. The defense minister and the military govemor of the Tulkarm area have 45 days to explain why they should not prevent his deportation [JP 8/7]. Defense Min. Yitzhak Rabin justifies recent security measures; says Israel will use "whatever means are effective" tomaintain order [LAT 8/7]. Israeli govemment inaugurates new settlement, Adura, near Hebron, first since Peres took office [PI 8/7]. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports announcement by Austrian-Arab Society in Vienna that Hospice Hospital will reopen as a full-scale hospital afterenovation. Agreement was reportedly worked out between Franz Cardinal Koenig, archbishop of Vienna, and Tahir Kan'an, Jordanian minister for the occupied territories [JTA 8/7]. Israel Radio announces that none of the security officers involved in storming of Israeli bus hijacked by Palestinians last year will be charged in the deaths of two of the four hijackers [NYT 8/7]. Reuters reports that Rabbi Meir Kahane is giving 60 youths paramilitary training in a summer camp in the West Bank [TS 8/6]. Thirty-member delegation including Texas and Oklahoma oilmen and 6 U.S. congressmen arrives in Israel on fact-finding mission organized by Council for a Secure America, group established last year to support U.S. legislation aimed at promoting domestic production of oil and gas [JP 8/6]. New U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering presents credentials to President Chaim Herzog, reiterates U.S. opposition to new security measures, emphasizes U.S. support for Israel [CT 8/7].

Arab World: Seventeen representatives of Arab League member states assemble in Casablanca for Arab summit meeting [NYT 8/7]. Half the states attending are not represented by their heads of state [FT 8/7]. Fifteen pro-Syrian Muslim, Druze opposition leaders, and Greek Orthodox figures meet in Shtawra under Syrian sponsorship; proclaim National Unity Front to demand changes in Lebanon's system of political representation, now favoring the Maronites; call for a "democratic and secular" state with wide-ranging constitutional and electoral reforms [WP 8/7].

Military Action

Arab World: Suicide bomber riding a mule kills himself, the animal, and wounds at least one other in Hasbayya. Bomber is identified as Jamal Sati, 23, Sunni Muslim student and local Communist party chief [LAT 8/7].