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  • November 20, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor's Peres announces willingness to enter talks with Likud to form another national unity government [NYT 11/21]. "Civil...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor's Peres announces willingness to enter talks with Likud to form another national unity government [NYT 11/21]. "Civil administration" announces W. Bank primary schools will reopen 12/1; secondary schools will follow; universities will remain closed [WP 11/22].

Arab World: Egypt announces itrecognized Palestinian state on 11/15 [NYT, WP 11/ 21]. In Amman King Hussein tells CBS News that U.S., Israel are blocking Middle East peace efforts [WP 11/21].

Other Countries: China formally recognizes the State of Palestine [NYT 11/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nar Nablus Israeli troops shoot, kill 1 Palestinian, wound another. In Kafr 'Ayn soldiers wound 1 Palestinian. In Jabalya troops shoot, wound 12-year-old boy. In Hebron Israeli authorities demolish 2Palestinian homes. In Qalandiya camp Israeli soldiers smash doors, windows and overturn cars after their bus is stoned; UNRWA sources state that "well over 20 houses" were damaged [LAT 11/24].