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  • May 21, 1996

    Calling it the hardest decision of his life, Israeli Arab political leader Ahmad Tibi withdraws his candidacy for a Knesset seat, endorses Peres for PM--despite the closure on the self-rule areas...

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  • May 17, 1996

    At a time when Likud's PM Benjamin Netanyahu is presenting himself as a "mainstream" candidate for PM, Likud's Ariel Sharon writes a strongly-worded article for JP outlining Likud's hard-line...

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Calling it the hardest decision of his life, Israeli Arab political leader Ahmad Tibi withdraws his candidacy for a Knesset seat, endorses Peres for PM--despite the closure on the self-rule areas, the 4/96 assault on Lebanon--in hopes of uniting Israeli Arab voters behind propeace candidates, against Netanyahu. United Arab List head `Abd al-Wahhab Darawshah also endorses Peres. (MM, NYT 5/21; QY 5/21 in FBIS 5/21; VOP 5/28 in FBIS 5/29)

In Washington, France, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, the U.S. continue talks on cease-fire monitoring comm. Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz says parties have agreed the comm. will be security/military, not political. Issue of chairmanship, structure, decision making, cooling-off period following incidents still not resolved. (RL 5/21, 5/22 in FBIS 5/22; MM 5/22) (see 5/20)

U.S. Secy. of State Warren Christopher charges Iran with planing attacks in Israel before the Israeli election 5/29. (MM 5/22)

Based on information obtained fr. Hamas's Salameh, Israel arrests 19 suspected Hamas mbrs. in the West Bank. (CSM 5/22; PR 5/31) (see 5/17)

Lebanese army reports that Israel's 4/96 offensive targeted 147 Lebanese towns, villages; 11,000 civilians suffered material loss; direct damage to personal property (i.e., not incl. damage to infrastructure, public utilities) totalled $24 m. (MM 5/21)

Israel says its unofficial trade with Iraq is expected to increase significantly (to as high as $100 m./yr.) thanks to the 5/20 UN-Iraq deal. Israel currently sells $2 m. of food, medicine to Iraq. (JP 5/22 in FBIS 5/22; JP 6/1)

PA military court orders Sarraj, arrested 5/18, to be held for 15 days. (NYT 5/22; PR 5/24; NYT 5/28; JP 6/1)

At a time when Likud's PM Benjamin Netanyahu is presenting himself as a "mainstream" candidate for PM, Likud's Ariel Sharon writes a strongly-worded article for JP outlining Likud's hard-line views. He says Israel should not accept Oslo; IDF should be allowed to operate anywhere in the West Bank, Gaza; negotiations with Syria should be postponed until Pres. Hafiz al-Asad is out of power; Golan should never be returned. (NYT 5/25)

In an interview published simultaneously in Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, PM Peres calls on Gulf states to join forces with Israel against Iran. (MM 5/17)

IDF shoots, wounds most-wanted Hamas mbr., Hassan Salameh, as he flees fr. a vehicle inspection point nr. Hebron; later captures him at the Hebron hospital; also arrests passenger in Salameh's car, Raziq Rajub, a relative of PA Preventive Security Forces (PSF) head Jibril Rajub. Salameh is suspected of ordering, planning 3 of the 4 2+n3/96 suicide bombings. (QY, VOP 5/18 in FBIS 5/20; NYT, WT 5/19; PR 5/24; JP 5/25)

Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades issue leaflet, calling for national unity dialogue with the PA. (JMCC 5/17 in FBIS 5/20)

3,000 Palestinians attend National Islamic Salvation Party (NISP) rally in Gaza in support of Hamas political leader Musa Abu Marzuq, currently detained in the U.S. Speaking at the rally, Hamas leader Mahmud Zahhar calls on Qassam Brigades not to take any violent actions before the Israeli elections 5/29, calls on leaders abroad to be sensitive to conditions in the territories. (VOP 5/17, AFP, QY, RMC, VOP 5/18 in FBIS 5/20) (see 11/18/95, 3/7)

Arab Parliamentary Union Council closes its 27th session in Qana, Lebanon; issues statement condemning Israel's attack on Lebanon, refusal to sign Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, occupation of s. Lebanon. (RL 5/17 in FBIS 5/20)