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  • July 29, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on...

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  • July 28, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces arrest of 3 West Bankers in alleged kidnap-slaying of two Afula teachers. The three, aged 17-19, are arrested at...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shops in East Jerusalem go on general strike again to protest closure of Hospice Hospital [FJ 8/2]. Proposal to erect a settlement on spot where two Afula schoolteachers were murdered is presented to Zionist Executive by Jewish Agency Settlement Department Cochairman Nissim Zvilli [JP 7/29]. Shimon Barda, head of the "Lifta Gang," is convicted by the Jerusalem district court of conspiring to blow up the Dome of the Rock. Sentencing will follow [JP 7/30]. Knesset finance committee freezes IS 354 million for Kiryat Arba's local council until Attomey General Zamir gives legal opinion on council's proposal to dismiss Palestinian workers [JP 7/30]. Knesset appoints seven-minister committee to make recommendations regarding punishment of those convicted of politically motivated killings [BG 7/29]. Voice of America reports Israel seeks American banks to operate in Israel, to boost ailing Israeli banking system; at least one is reportedly interested [JTA 7/3 1]. Koterit Rashit reports Israeli firms are studying 70 proposed business projects in China, including construction of 2 hotels and an airport. The Daily Telegraph cites report in Jane's Defence Weekly stating secret military links were opened between Israel and China in 1979, a $3 billion arms deal was recently concluded, and Israeli military advisers have served with Chinese ground and air force units [JC, DT 7/29].

Arab World: The United Arab Emirates is second state to confirm attendence at upcoming Arab summit meeting. Syria, Lebanon, and South Yemen will not attend [FT 7/30, LT 8/2]. Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt back the summit call [JP 7/30, FT 7/31].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli planes attack Palestinian base used by the PFLP-GC in eastern Lebanon; no casualty reports [WP 7/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces arrest of 3 West Bankers in alleged kidnap-slaying of two Afula teachers. The three, aged 17-19, are arrested at their homes in the village of Arabbuna, near Jenin. Homes of their families are demolished. Arabbuna is placed under curfew [WP 7/29]. Kach movement members along with Temple Mount Faithful group attempt to enter al-Aqsa Mosque compound to pray. Police refuse to allow Kach members in, allow Temple Mount Faithful in on condition they not pray. One man prays near the Dome of the Rock and is forcibly expelled [FJ 8/2]. Israeli newspaper Ha'Aretz finds 70 percent of Israelis favor death penalty for those convicted of politically motivated killings. Minister without Portfolio Moshe Arens, Foreign Minister Shamir, and Deputy Prime Minister David Levy also favor death penalty for such killings [LAT 7/29]. Two Afula teachers are buried; 1,000 extra police and border guards are mobilized to keep the peace. Three police are injured by angry protesters at the funeral [LAT 7/29].

Arab World: Walid Jumblatt and Nabih Birri announce new pact of cooperation called the "National Front," ending 3- month feud; vow to support each other if fighting erupts with pro-Arafat Palestinian factions [CT, MG 7/29]. Artillery and sniper fire break out between East and West Beirut. Car bomb explodes in Shi'ite suburb of Beirut, injuring three [MG 7/29]. King Hussein is first Arab leader to confirm attendence at the upcoming Arab summit meeting in Casablanca [CT 7/29]. A high-level Palestinian delegation led by Faruq al-Qaddumis reported to have arrived in Tripoli, Libya [JP 7/29].

Other Countries: Manila newspaper Bulletin Today reports Israelis are giving military training to young Filipinos on Palawan Island [JP 7/29].

Military Action

Arab World: Two SLA soldiers are killed and 8 taken prisoner in dawn attack by Amal in security zone [LT 7/29].