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  • April 19, 1990

    Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including...

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Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, criticize Dole for straying from the party's "unwavering commitment to Israel" [NYT, WT 4/20].

Former nat. sec. advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski endorses notion of cutting foreign aid to Israel and other top recipients, saying "It is simply an absurd situation in which one single country has come to view American aid for itself to be a permanent entitlement" [WT 4/20].

PLO officials, Soviet Jewish organizations, and members of Jewish intelligentsia meet in Moscow to discuss settling of Soviet Jews in O.T. [MTS 4/19 in FBIS 4/23].

Tear gas canister is thrown into Agudat Israel party meeting near Tel Aviv [LAT 4/20; JDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/20; WP 4/23].

Rabbi Avraham Verdiger, 1 of 2 party members who withdrew support for Shimon Peres at vote on 4/11, reverses his position, says he will support Peres in future vote [NYT, LAT, WT 4/20].

Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine stalls release of American hostage, apparently due to U.S. refusal to send high-ranking diplomat to Syria to work out unspecified details [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/20].

Arafat arrives in Baghdad on state visit [BVP 4/19 in FBIS 4/20].

Israeli air force bombs PFLP-GC bases in S. Lebanon [jDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/19].