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  • February 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    PLO makes withdrawal of 7,000 troops from Bekaa and Tripoli areas contingent on safety guarantees for half million Palestinians living in Lebanon; IDF sets up fortified...

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  • September 30, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF seals off Ein al-Hilweh camp near Sidon, detaining 70 Palestinians, after informer working for IDF ambushed; US Marines land M-60 tanks on beaches near airport after...

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Military Action:

PLO makes withdrawal of 7,000 troops from Bekaa and Tripoli areas contingent on safety guarantees for half million Palestinians living in Lebanon; IDF sets up fortified position 100 yards from British forces' headquarters.


European Community grants $20 million for rebuilding Beirut drinking water system; Phalangists have evicted 70 Palestinian families from apartments in Sidon in past two weeks and forced them to move to Ain el-Hilweh camp; UNRWA HQ in Vienna, responding to intimidation of Palestinians in South Lebanon, calls on IDF to ensure safety of civilians in areas under its control.

Politicial Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet fails to reach agreement on whether to carry out Commission of Inquiry recommendation that Sharon and three senior generals leave their posts, considers early elections; Sharon says he has no intention of resigning; demonstrations outside Cabinet meeting; representatives of West Bank and Gaza settlements meet Begin and oppose removal of Sharon; Sharon welcomes Zaire's Defense Minister on official visit in Tel Aviv; Chief of Staff Eitan testifies in court-martial of 7 Israeli soldiers accused of beating, kicking and clubbing students in Hebron, defends orders from his office to harass West Bank Palestinians by repeated arrests, punishment of parents, collective punishment, etc.; Foreign Minister Shamir reiterates that Israel will not talk to PLO even if it recognizes Israel.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Chairman of PNC Foreign Relations Committee Khaled Hassan says revolutionary tactics is only option, which means violence until success; Arafat flies from Amman to Jeddah for talks with Saudi leaders.

Arab Governments: President Mubarak meets Bethlehem Mayor Freij in Cairo.

US and Other Countries: Defense Secretary Weinberger rejects proposal that Israel share military information it obtained in Lebanon because of Israeli conditions; American Jewish leaders praise Commission of Inquiry Report as evidence of Israeli democracy and moral strength; Austria mediating arrangements to exchange 6,000 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel for 8 Israelis held by PLO; trade between Britain and Israel in 1982 totals £498 million.

Military Action:

IDF seals off Ein al-Hilweh camp near Sidon, detaining 70 Palestinians, after informer working for IDF ambushed; US Marines land M-60 tanks on beaches near airport after mine clearing activities completed.


1 US Marine killed, 3 wounded by US-made cluster bomb near airport; Beirut airport opens for first commercial flight since June 6; Israeli Minister of Economic Cooperation Dan Meridor says Israel may prepare Palestinian refugee camps in South Lebanon for winter if UNRWA doesn't act soon; although raw sewage and garbage remains in streets in some areas, roads are being repaved.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: "There is a Limit" group of anti-war reservists and soldiers call for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon and present a petition with 1,000 signatures which states "there is no military solution to the Palestinian problem"; Village League associate in Hebron attacked; heads of Israeli Druze community demand that IDF prevent Phalange assault on Lebanese Druze (claim 3 Druze abducted, new Phalange roadblocks in Druze villages set up since Gemayel assassination); Shamir addresses UN (will meet US Jewish leaders this week, travel to Chicago and Los Angeles before October 14 meeting with Shultz).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amin Gemayel declares end to Green Line, in ceremony celebrating Beirut as reunified capital (traffic surges across line following ceremony); Lebanese police deny receiving complaints of IDF soldiers looting Lebanese houses; 100,000 Palestinians led by Arafat mourn Abu Walid.

Arab Governments: Habib meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassin Ali, assures him agreement on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon will be concluded within a couple weeks; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam meets with Shultz in New York, explains Syrian withdrawal conditions.

US and Other Countries: Senator Percy says Marines need to be out of Lebanon within 90 days unless Congress approves an extension; White House denies US knew of massacre one day before Begin says he knew; Shultz, at UN, affirms heart of Reagan plan is Israeli return of occupied territories; British Labor Party says PLO represents Palestinian people; meeting of British, Israeli foreign ministers in New York ends with "basic disagreements"; West Germany, at UN, stresses its support for participation by all parties, including the PLO, in peace settlement; Simon Weisenthal, in Vienna, says those responsible for massacre were "las guilty as the Nazis" and should bear same punishment.