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  • December 5, 1988

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Beach camp soldiershoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian, wound another. At least 4 Palestinians are shot in Gaza camps [FJ 12/12].


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  • March 13, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 200,000-250,000 Israelis demonstrate in support of P.M. Shamir's rejection of U.S. peace proposals during rally organized by...

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Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Beach camp soldiershoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian, wound another. At least 4 Palestinians are shot in Gaza camps [FJ 12/12].

Arab World: Iraq announces development of anti-ballistic missile, Fao 1, capable of destroying Israeli short- and medium-range missiles [FJ 12/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 200,000-250,000 Israelis demonstrate in support of P.M. Shamir's rejection of U.S. peace proposals during rally organized by Gush Emunim [NYT 3/14; WJW 3/17]. Palestinian wounded by army gunfire in 3/11 clash in Biddu, near Ramallah, dies [NYT 3/14; FJ 3/20]. Israel responds to buming of 2 fuel trucks and stoning of others by cutting of gasoline supplies to Palestinian-owned service stations in occupied W. Bank. Police spokesman confirmed that more than half of the estimated 850 Palestinian policemen in the occupied territories have resigned. Military court indicts soldier from Givati brigade for manslaughter; soldier allegedly shot Palestinian who cursed him [WP 3/14]. In al-Birah, Israeli bus is destroyed in firebomb attack [FJ 3/20]. Sa'd Saftawi, head of a Gaza UNRWA school, is taken into administrative dtention [FJ 3/20]. Claiming land belongs to state, members of "Green Patrol" destroy 3,000 dunums of wheat and barley on Arab-owned land in Negev [FJ 3/20].

Arab World: Reports indicate UNRWA has decided to resume some activities in northem Lebanon and Biqa' Valley [FJ 3/13].

Other Countries: Washington Post reports 1985 memo reveals Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese and E. Robert Wallach briefed then-P. M. Peres on plans for pipeline from Iraq to Jordan [WP 3/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent clashes are reported in Jenin; authorities close entrances to refugee camp and erect cement barrier at city's eastem entrance. At least 86 are injured in Gaza Strip demonstrations [FJ 3/20].