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  • April 24, 1991

    At joint news conference in Damascus, Sec. Baker says his latest diplomatic mission has failed to bridge major differences between Israel and Syria over how to organize peace conference. Baker...

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  • February 4, 1991

    UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar condemns allied bombing raids on highway from Baghdad to Jordanian border; calls Jordan "an innocent victim" of war [LAT 2/5].

    In 1st policy address to Knesset...

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  • February 3, 1991

    Six U.S. helicopter crewmen are killed in 2 separate crashes; 3 airmen are missing after B-52 crashes in Indian Ocean [LAT, NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/4].

    Investigators confirm that 7 U.S. soldiers...

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At joint news conference in Damascus, Sec. Baker says his latest diplomatic mission has failed to bridge major differences between Israel and Syria over how to organize peace conference. Baker sharply criticizes Israel's 4/23 opening of new settlement [NYT, WP, CSM 4/25; DDS 4/24 in FBIS 4/25; MET 5/7].

Iraqi and Kurdish leaders say they have reached broad new agreement that will allow Kurds to return home. Jalal Talabani, leader of one of largest Kurdish groups, says agreement provides for new measure of autonomy for Kurdistan, and guarantees of democracy and pluralism [NYT, WP, LAT, MEM, WT 4/25; CSM 4/26; INA, RMC, AFP 4/24, ADS 4/25 in FBIS 4/25; MET 5/7].

Saudi Arabia says it will accept and shelter all Iraqi refugees in southern Iraq, and will build camp to accommodate as many as 50,000 people [NYT 4/25].

U.S. symbolically hands over American control of part of southern Iraq to UN forces; imminent departure of American troops is raising fears among refugees that UN troops will not defend them from Saddam's army [NYT, WP, LAT 4/25].

Kuwaiti official says new gov't.'s 1st act will be to downgrade relations with Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, and Sudan, which backed Iraq in Gulf war [LAT 4/25].

Knesset members from Labor, Citizens' Right Movement, and Mapam head Israeli delegation that leaves for Spain and international conference: "The Dialogue of Mediterranean Citizens." Palestinians from o.t. and PLO representatives are also attending [MEM 4/24].

U.S. ambassador to Israel William Brown files an official protest with Israeli gov't. about establishment and/or expansion of settlements in West Bank; Housing Min. Sharon says that Israel has no intention of meeting U.S. demands to slow or stop settlement: "... we built in the past, we build now, and we will build in the future" [MEM 4/25].

21-year-old Palestinian is shot dead in Rafah by IDF after he disobeys order to halt [MEM 4/25; FJ 4/29]. 

UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar condemns allied bombing raids on highway from Baghdad to Jordanian border; calls Jordan "an innocent victim" of war [LAT 2/5].

In 1st policy address to Knesset on Gulf war, P.M. Shamir vows that Israel will never take part in an international conference on the Middle East, and denounces PLO as "the biggest supporters of the murderer from Baghdad" [IDF 2/4 in FBIS 2/5; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM, WT 2/5].

EC sends experts to Gulf to help contain oil slick; France's new D.M. Pierre Joxe flies to Saudi Arabia; Soviet Communist party calls on Pres. Gorbachev to launch fresh diplomatic initiative to end war [LAT 2/5].

Pres. Rafsanjani of Iran offers to mediate Gulf war; Iraq has no comment, U.S. response is cool [MEM 2/4; NYT, WP 2/5].

PLO says that it will stop its rocket attacks against Israeli troops in S. Lebanon "security zone," and will use other means to assist Iraq in Gulf war [RFL 2/4, BVL 2/5 in FBIS 2/5; NYT, WP 2/5]

Six U.S. helicopter crewmen are killed in 2 separate crashes; 3 airmen are missing after B-52 crashes in Indian Ocean [LAT, NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/4].

Investigators confirm that 7 U.S. soldiers killed 1/31 were victims of friendly fire [LAT, NYT, WP, MEM, WT 2/4].

Allied air war passes 40,000 sortie mark; U.S. command reports that 25 of 35 major Iraqi bridges leading to Iraqi front line have been destroyed as allies continue pounding Iraqi positions. 68 Iraqi aircraft are reported destroyed, and number of Iraqi prisoners stands at "about 800" [LAT, NYT, WP 2/4].

EC foreign ministers meet in Brussels for 1st time since war began [LAT, MEM 2/4].

Knesset approves cabinet addition of anti-Arab Rehavam Zeevi, former general [IDF, JDS 2/3 in FBIS 2/4; LAT, NYT, WP, MEM 2/4].

In Rabat, at least 300,000 people take to streets in pro-Iraqi demonstration [PDS 2/3 in FBIS 2/4; NYT 2/4; LAT 2/5].

Jerusalem District Court confirms detention of Sari Nusseibeh, reducing sentence from 6 to 3 months. Nusseibeh was detained on 1/29 as alleged spy for Iraq [IDF 2/3 in FBIS 2/4].

Lebanese gov't. says it has arrested 4 senior Palestinian fighters, including top aid to Abu Nidal, and is sending troops to S. Lebanon to check PLO military power there [NYT 2/4].