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  • June 11, 1997

    In Washington, Pres. Clinton urges Qatar's emir Shaykh Hamad to move ahead with plans to host the Middle East-North Africa economic summit in 11/97. The emir criticizes the 6/10 House decision,...

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In Washington, Pres. Clinton urges Qatar's emir Shaykh Hamad to move ahead with plans to host the Middle East-North Africa economic summit in 11/97. The emir criticizes the 6/10 House decision, calls on the U.S. to review its dual containment policy. (MM 6/11; al-Rayah [Doha] 6/17 in WNC 6/19; al-Ahram 6/18 in WNC 6/24; Intelligence Newsletter 6/26)

House passes Res. 1757, a version of the State Dept. Authorization Bill that earmarks $100 m. for the transfer of the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (Near East Report 6/12)

At the close of a 2-day mtg., donor, host governments pledge $4.1 m. to the UNRWA general fund for 1997. (UNRWA press release 6/12, 6/19) (see 5/26)

Jordan, Saudi Arabia open new border post at Aqaba+nal-Dirri+nHaql area. (RJ 6/10 in WNC 6/11)

At the Western Wall, Orthodox Jews, angered by men and women praying together, attack Conservative Jews, then attack Palestinians nr. the Old City, spray tear gas at Israeli police who try to stop them. (NYT 6/13; WT 6/16; JP 6/21)