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  • May 21, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Palestinians/ Lebanese: Leaflets circulated in Damascus by dissident Fateh military officers criticize Arafat for intending to withdraw PLO forces from Lebanon, call...

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  • February 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    4000 soldiers of Lebanese Army take control of East Beirut without incident as Phalange removes its heavy weapons to hills; Haddad, accompanied by Israeli officers, places...

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  • January 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing...

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  • January 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese...

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  • January 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after...

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Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Leaflets circulated in Damascus by dissident Fateh military officers criticize Arafat for intending to withdraw PLO forces from Lebanon, call for committee to supervise finances; Arafat, in Tripoli, says no Arab regime with its money or arms can confront the Palestinian revolution; Fateh Executive Committee places all PLO units in Lebanon under command of Gen. Ahmed Afani, orders dissident officers into unit under Arafat's direct command, plans to call full scale congress.

Arab Governments: Syria criticizes US over decision to implement sale of F-16s to Israel; Syrian envoy travels to Saudi Arabia; President Mubarak meets special envoy Habib in Cairo.

Military Action:

4000 soldiers of Lebanese Army take control of East Beirut without incident as Phalange removes its heavy weapons to hills; Haddad, accompanied by Israeli officers, places garrison in Nabatiyeh and parades tanks and armored vehicles.


IDF kills 3 men attacking roadblock 5km east of Beirut; about 100 prisoners reportedly released from Ansar.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Habib meets Foreign Minister Shamir to report on talks with Lebanese; public opinion poll shows Likud bloc winning ten more seats than it presently holds if elections held now; members of National Committee for the Protection of Arab Land and Arab local authority heads meet in Sakhnin to discuss Israeli Interior Ministry plan to assign 100,000 dunums of Palestinian land to new regional council of Misgav; grenade and automatic rifle ambush of Israeli vehicles near West Bank village of al-Khader; Army permits convoy of 100 Jewish settlers to drive through Dahariya refugee camp to warn that Jewish blood would not go unavenged after death of IDF welfare officer hit by rock near Dahariya; curfew kept on old Nablus market; Dheisheh refugee camp placed under curfew; 100 foreign faculty members at West Bank universities considering compromise wording on work permit applications regarding support for PLO.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: At PNC meeting, Arafat reportedly clashes with PFLP-GC's Jibril, who does not attend plenary session; PNC votes to expand size of body from 360 to 400.

Arab Governments: Mubarak urges Palestinians meeting in Algiers to unify their position with King Hussein to search for settlement based on Reagan plan.

US and Other Countries: State Dept. says it will hold Israel responsible for safety of Palestinians and other inhabitants of South Lebanon; Shultz tells Senate Foreign Relations Committee that large scale aid to Lebanon from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states is dependent on US efforts to get withdrawal of foreign forces; US expenditure for humanitarian purposes in Lebanon since Israeli invasion totals $112 million, with $150 million in supplemental aid requested for current fiscal year; London Times Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk receives award as "Foreign Correspondent of the Year" for coverage of Israeli invasion of Lebanon; Israeli Embassy in London refuses to accept petition signed by 3,000 British academics protesting deportations of foreign lecturers from West Bank universities.

Military Action:

IDF moves into Chouf to disengage Druze and Phalange forces after all night artillery exchanges. Casualties: 4 dead, 7 wounded in Bsada, Maroufieh, Dhour Schweir, bringing to 100 total casualties in 9 weeks in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says Israelis will not become involved in any fighting while in Zaire, Israel hopes to expand ties with Zaire to include economy, diplomatic cooperation and agriculture; Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai announces planned 800 megawatt hydro-electric plant at Dead Sea will be postponed, but construction of Med-Dead canal will continue, that Israel plans coaland nuclear-powered plants in the Negev; security forces arrest Najah University lecturer Sami Kilani, still hold 9 student council members, impose curfew on Nablus market area after protests over effective closure of Najah by daily roadblocks.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with King Hassan in Marrakesh; Lebanese Government agrees to US troops in surveillance stations in South, seeks to end current border anarchy of Israeli goods entering Lebanon; Saad Haddad tells Lebanese press he's willing to withdraw if it's in best interests of Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Syrian Chief of Staff Gen. Hikmat Chehabi goes to Saudi Arabia with message from Assad for King Fahd; Syrian budget reportedly $4.6 billion, of which 54% or $2.6 billion goes to Ministry of Defense; President Mubarak, Prime Minister Kamal Hassan Ali, Undersecretary Osama el-Baz meet with Habib in Cairo; King Fahd meets with Habib in Riyadh.

Military Action:

Druze and Phalange militia exchange fire in Chouf; US Marines on full alert and deploy in firing positions as IDF patrol confronts Marines at checkpoint near Lebanese University; IDF armored car backs into barbed wire fence at another Marine checkpoint; US Embassy expresses concern over incidents to Israeli Government.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Following week of meetings in Tripoli, Libya, PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa and PSF statement rejecting Fez and Reagan plans and any form of recognition or negotiation with the expansionist Zionist entity, adherence to armed struggle to liberate Palestine and all the occupied Arab territories; Lebanese- Israeli-US negotiators, meeting for 51?2 hours at Khalde, discuss ending state of war and security zone, make enough progress to turn issues over to subcommittee of Antoine Fattal, Eli Rubenstein, Christopher Ross, and form another subcommittee to deal with timetable for withdrawal of troops.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak says Arabs must act on Reagan plan by end of year, PLO Chairman should recognize Israel, unilaterally if necessary; Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam tours Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar; King Hussein returns to Jordan from talks with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.

US and Other Countries: Habib and Draper will divide responsibilities to accelerate the peace process; State Department refuses to qualify last week's statement suggesting possibility of shortening the autonomy period; US says USSR has sent 90 aircraft, mostly MiG-21s, and 12 SA-5 missiles to Syria, which would be particularly effective against E2-C Hawkeye surveillance aircraft used by Israel in Lebanon war; 2 US soldiers in multinational force in Sinai wounded in mine explosion near Ofira; former Presidents Carter and Ford, in joint article, say that Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza is a major obstacle to any moderate Arab initiative for peace in the Middle East, and urge King Hussein to join autonomy talks; West German Foreign Minister Genscher attacks Israeli settlement policy, does not recognize the PLO or support an independent Palestinian state, but supports the June 1980 Venice Declaration that the PLO be involved in the peace process.

Military Action:

Marines prevent IDF from entering Bourj-al-Barajneh for second time, but IDF moves into Lailaki using random anti-tank grenades and machine gun fire to search area; after fourth encounter between IDF and Marines in 1 week, US Embassy in Beirut expresses concern; truce in Tripoli policed by PLO because Lebanese security forces refuse to patrol area so long as opposing forces maintain positions.


1 PLO member killed, 3 wounded in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Government rejects US-proposed compromise on agenda for Lebanon negotiations; at Cabinet meeting Begin promises Deputy Premier David Levy and Communications Minister Mordechai Zipori, both Herut Party critics of Sharon, that Cabinet will hold special debate on Lebanon; Young Guards of Labor Party elects as chairman Moshe Cohen, a political centrist who will seek to end leftward lurch of party, to terminate Labor's alignment with Mapam and a rapprochement with religious parties; all police units launch anti-terrorist drive following attack on bus, reveal several bomb incidents since summer, including 280 kg bomb in car in Negev defused, bomb under bench in Herzliya which wounded 4, 4.5 kg bomb in Jerusalem defused, security forces played down and withheld information on incidents; Israeli trade with Lebanon valued at $8 million each for November and December; Peace Now group demonstrates outside Prime Minister Begin's office; dozens of Palestinians arrested in Tel Aviv after yesterday's grenade attck, 2 molotov cocktails thrown at police station in Dheisheh refugee camp, no injuries, security forces seal area, search but no arrests; 10 Najah University students arrested, charged with incitement; Kiryat Arba residents pull down Hebron municipality electricity poles for second time, and Acting Mayor Mustafa Natshe says he received threatening letter from Kiryat Arba council demanding removal of the utility poles; Elon Moreh settlers fire shots into Nablus Dal al-Tafel kindergarten and its bus, military authorities seal off Nablus market area.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat holds talks with King Hussein in Amman, also attending are members of Joint Committee, as Hussein tells Arafat his talks with Reagan were positive and successful; Lebanese Director General of Internal Security Forces Hisham Shaar says conscription may be necessary to keep balance of Christians and Muslims in police force; reports circulating in Beirut that AUB President David Dodge, kidnapped during war, may be alive and held in Bekaa Valley; Internal Security Chief Hisham Shaar and Syrian Deputy Chief of Staff General Ali Aslan meet in Tripoli, agree to patrols there by Lebanese security forces.

Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak calls on Hussein and Arafat to negotiate on the basis of the Reagan plan, before US presidential elections and more settlements make it too late to reach agreement, says that only thing that bothers him about US foreign policy is US Congress' decision to increase aid to Israel; Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Ali says Egyptian ambassador to Israel will return to his post as soon as agreement is reached on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon; Saudi King Fahd holds series of meetings with Walid Jumblatt, Moroccan Foreign Minister Mohammed Boucetta, Fateh Executive Committee member Abu Mazen.

US and Other Countries: Senator Charles Percy (R-IL) states support for Israeli position that withdrawal from Lebanon should be accompanied by business-like relations; columnist Jack Anderson publishes opinion poll of the world's worst leaders with Menahem Begin ranking fifth after Khomeini, Qaddafi, Mobutu and Duvalier; 1,500 New York area Jews who have applied for aliya attend speech by Israeli President Navon in synagogue.