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  • October 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.Peres, in last days of term as P.M., says coalition government will fall if he is prevented from pursuing peace initiatives when he...

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  • February 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Chaim Herzog pardoned 2 more members of Jewish settler underground last week, Boaz and Ya'acov Heinemann UP 2/16]. Israel was...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.Peres, in last days of term as P.M., says coalition government will fall if he is prevented from pursuing peace initiatives when he becomes F.M. (WP 10/5).

Arab World: Former Jordanian P.M. Ahmad 'Ubaydat resigns from Jordanian senate (FBIS 10/6). Middle East International reports 'Ubaydat's resignation was requested by King Hussein and P.M. Rifa'i after 'Ubaydat sent letter embarrassing to Hussein to Egyptian Pres. Mubarak (MEI 10/12). Al-Kayed says Jordan has begun issuing three-year passports to displaced persons from Gaza and Beersheba who live in Jordan (MEI 10/12).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Chaim Herzog pardoned 2 more members of Jewish settler underground last week, Boaz and Ya'acov Heinemann UP 2/16]. Israel was third world's largest arms producer, producing $1.342 billion worth, between 1980-84, according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute [JP 2/16].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat begins talks with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak on stalled M.E. peace efforts [JP 2/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shot and killed Gaza resident yesterday when he fled after being detained for questioning; a second man escaped [NYT, WP 2/16]. West Bank shepherd Ziyad Muhammad Yunis was wounded on 2/13 while resisting arrest near Hebron [JP 2/17]. Israeli soldiers arrested several other Palestinians, confiscated a herd of sheep in the incident [FJ 2/21]. Bombs go off in Haifa, Afula, Beit She'an, causing no injuries or damage [JP 2/17].

Arab World: Lebanese police find severely beaten body of Lebanese Jewish hostage Ibrahim Benesti; Organization of the Oppressed of the Earth issues statement saying he was executed for spying for Israel [BG 2/17].