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  • September 4, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's 10-member inner cabinet meets to discuss security situation in occupied territories, resolves to tell Jordan again to remove...

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  • January 5, 1985


    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak meets King Hussein in Aqaba, discusses Palestinian issues [WP 1/6]. Pres. Assad denounces Arafat, Hussein before Baath Party congress in...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's 10-member inner cabinet meets to discuss security situation in occupied territories, resolves to tell Jordan again to remove PLO "bases" recently set up there [LT, BG, FT 9/5]. Inner cabinet approves proposal from Ariel Sharon that the authorities conduct general review of institutions in occupied territories that are supportive of the PLO [FJ 9/6]. Israeli soldiers rebuild wall separating Hebron's main mosque from marketplace, which settlers destroyed after 9/3 stabbing of two soldiers [GD 9/5]. MKs Yossi Sarid and Dedi Zucker of the Citizen's Rights Movement present document to Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev alleging Jumbo construction company made millions of dollars from fraudulent and illegal land sales [JP 9/5]. P.M. Peres sends close aide Avraham Tamir to unannounced ovemight visit with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak to discuss ways of advancing relations between the two nations [CSM 9/6]. Israeli settlers try to squat in Hebron where 2 Israeli soldiers were stabbed 9/3. Army evicts them [CSM 9/6]. Five hundred Ethiopian Jews demonstrate in Jerusalem against rabbinical demands that they undergo symbolic conversion before marrying [WP 9/7]. For. Min. Shamir leaves for Japan to try to persuade Japanese leaders to relax their adherence to Arab boycott and increase trade with Israel [JP 9/4].

Other Countries: Operation Independence, a group of 100 international Jewish business leaders wishing to strengthen Israel's economy, sponsors New York meeting of hotel, airline, and tourism groups and prominent Jewish business leaders to discuss ways to increase American tourism to Israel [JTA 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palesine/Israel: Several katyusha rockets land in Galilee; no injuries reported. This is 4th katyusha attack on Galilee in recent months [JP 9/5].

Arab World: Israeli jets bomb suspected PLO guerrilla base in Lebanon's Biqa' Valley, 11th such strike inside Lebanon this year [NYT 9/5]. Reports say 6 Palestinians killed and 10 wounded in the attack [CSM 9/6]. Shi'ite and Palestinian militias battle around Burj al-Baraj inah refugee camp south of Beirut in worst fighting since June, when Syrian-sponsored cease-fire ended fierce clashes in 3 Palestinian refugee camps. Latest fighting leaves 10 dead, 27 wounded [NYT, LAT 9/5].


Arab World: Pres. Mubarak meets King Hussein in Aqaba, discusses Palestinian issues [WP 1/6]. Pres. Assad denounces Arafat, Hussein before Baath Party congress in Damascus; states Syria will lead "the Palestinian struggle henceforth" [WP 1/6, JP 1/6]. PLO issues statement in Aden condemning Sudanese cooperation with Israel in airlifting Ethiopian Jews from Sudanese refugee camps into Israel [FJ 1/11].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF kill Syrian soldier who crossed Golan Hts. cease fire line, and fired upon IDF vehicle; IDF state Syrian may have been deranged [JP 1/6]. 2 Katyushas fired at IDF positions, S. Lebanon; locations not reported [FJ 1/1].