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  • July 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Today's elections yield no clear victor; of a total 120 Knesset seats, Alignment wins 45, Likud 41; "Progressive Slate for Peace" gains...

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  • June 1, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of al-Jib, Ramallah district, present land deeds proving 154 dunums falsely registered in name of land broker. Israeli...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Today's elections yield no clear victor; of a total 120 Knesset seats, Alignment wins 45, Likud 41; "Progressive Slate for Peace" gains 2; Meir Kahane as Kach candidate wins 1.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Residents of al-Jib, Ramallah district, present land deeds proving 154 dunums falsely registered in name of land broker. Israeli bulldozers destroy 7 dunums of cucumbers in Rafah; authorities claim Palestinians must sign rental contract with state to farm village land. Nablus court sentences Jenin resident to 31/2 yrs. for throwing stones, writing slogans. Gaza farmers complain to Israeli tax dep't. for exacting monthly taxes in advance. Settlers break into Sa'ir secondary school, shooting in air, arresting 2 students on stone-throwing charge. As acting DM in Arens' absence, PM Shamir outlaws Arab-Jewish "Progressive Slate for Peace" (formed 5/31/84). Following Zorea Commission report, Att.-Gen. Zamir appoints civilian-military committee to investigate murder of commandos (4/12/84). Bank of Israel estimates Israel's war in Lebanon has cost $900 million to date (Haaretz). Military occupation authorities issue order No. 1 108 increasing sentence for stone-throwing to maximum 20 yrs.

Other Countries: The Jewish Press donates $26,000 to defense of the Jewish terrorist suspects.