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  • July 28, 1992

    Chmn. Arafat offers to meet with PM Rabin, a la South Africa's De Klerk and Nelson Mandela, to promote Middle East peace. (London MBC TV 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; MM 7/29)

    FM Shimon Peres meets...

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Chmn. Arafat offers to meet with PM Rabin, a la South Africa's De Klerk and Nelson Mandela, to promote Middle East peace. (London MBC TV 7/28 in FBIS 7/29; MM 7/29)

FM Shimon Peres meets with Russian for. min. Middle East head Viktor Posuvalyuk, who later meets with Hanan Ashrawi. (Qol Yisra'el 7/28 in FBIS 7/30)

Under increasing pressure, Israel agrees to allow U.S. investigators to question Brig. Gen. Rami Dotan and others who diverted $40 million of U.S. aid for unauthorized purposes. Justice and Def. Dept. do not wholly believe that Dotan and others were acting solely in their own interests, implying that the govt. of Israel may be implicated in the fraud, which would constitute a default on Israel's aid agreements with the U.S. Another conspirator, Harold Katz, will be questioned also on his connections to Jonathan Pollard (see 6/11, 722). (WP 7/29)

West Bank towns of Nablus and al-Kabatiyya join Janin in commercial strike (see 7/27). (MM 7/28)

FM Shimon Peres and the U.S. State Dept.'s Richard Arnitage announce joint assistance project for 5 former Soviet Muslim republics. (Davar 7/30 in FBIS 7/31; MM 7/29)