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  • December 12, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo but fail to reach agreement on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, due to begin 12/13. The 2 leaders agree to meet again in 10 days, and...

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PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin meet in Cairo but fail to reach agreement on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho, due to begin 12/13. The 2 leaders agree to meet again in 10 days, and say delay does not endanger DoP or 4/13/94 deadline for end of withdrawal. (NYT, WP, WT 12/13)

Lebanese Pres. al-Hirawi meets Syrian Pres. al-Asad in Damascus to discuss Secy. of State Christopher'secent tour and coordinate positions for next round of talks with Israel. (RL, VOL, SARR 12/12 in FBIS 12/13; MM 12/13)

U.S. officials say Morocco and Israel have reached a package of agreements, including El Al flights to Morocco and Royal Air Maroc flights to Israel, direct Moroccan-Israel telephone and postalinks, exchanges of visits by religious and business leaders, joint banking arrangements, and more frequent direct political contacts. (NYT 12/13)

Morton Klein, an opponent of Israel-PLO accord, elected pres. of Zionist Organization of America by vote of 144-127, and his slate of 10 candidates elected to top ZOA posts. Observers call election "clear victory for opponents" of DoP. (MM 12/14; WJW 12/16)

Palestinian gunmen attack Israeli bus in Hebron, West Bank, seriously wounding its driver. (NYT, WT 12/13)

Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi publicly invites Sabri al-Banna ("Abu Nidal") and Ahmad Jibril of PFLP-GC for a conference in Tripoli. (WT 12/13)