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  • July 4, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF shells Beirut periodically throughout day to "soften up" (mostly a one-way exchange; electricity, water and food selectivejy blockaded); IDF continues inching toward...

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Military Action:

IDF shells Beirut periodically throughout day to "soften up" (mostly a one-way exchange; electricity, water and food selectivejy blockaded); IDF continues inching toward Burj al-Barajneh; all traffic barred except for Lebanese doctors, police, as water and food intercepted; IDF fires at buildings, apartment complexes in Lailake and camp areas; joint IDF/Phalange checkpoints along coast as Phalange takes over security operations; IDF officers tell UN up to 1000 PLO guerrillas are at large in South Lebanon.


WAFA releases names of 381 IDF killed in war (100 higher than Israeli government figures)-compiled from private death notices published in 2 Israeli newspapers; ICRC recalls Lebanese delegate and sends temporary replacement (dispute over casualty estimates); 2 senior Fateh commanders killed recently in Sidon; 2 IDF wounded near Lake Karoun by mine.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet rejects peace proposal allowing any future political role for PLO in Lebanon, but will allow more negotiating time; Peres says Labor Party will support continuing negotiations after briefing by Begin; D. Kimche reports to Cabinet on weekend trip to Beirut (first time Israel has become directly involved in negotiations); Cabinet says it will ignore anti-war protests organized by Peace Now and Mapam; team appointed to assess whether Avnery meeting with Arafat was a brelch of state security; Agriculture Minister asks Sharon to investigate, prosecute IDF officers who engage in Peace Now activities while on active duty; West Bank Palestinians stage general strike to protest Beirut siege (9 injured, some by IDF gunfire); 2 Palestinians killed, 10 wounded in clashes near Ramallah between villagers protesting invasion and Israeli-backed Village League members; marches in Nablus and Ramallah against the war; headquarters of the Federation of Pales-tinian Working Women, observing a two-day strike to protest the invasion, raided by Israeli soldiers, 7 arrested, cultural exhibits damaged and confiscated.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan threatens to boycott negotiations unless siege lifted, refuses to cross checkpoint manned by IDF; Salam says Israeli rejection of PLO withdrawal proposal is prelude to thrust on Beirut.

Arab Governments: Morocco reportedly rejects PLO transfer to Algeria, fearing their support for the Polisario; Libyan leader Qaddafi says PLO should fight to the death in Beirut (provokes Arafat rebuke of Qaddafi's "despair" and a failure to support PLO); Syria strengthens its forces in eastern Lebanon (new observation posts set up); Mubarak receives Reagan's letter.

US and Other Countries: Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda visit IDF position to watch shelling of Beirut after visiting IDF soldiers (Hayden says invasion justified by PLO refusal to recognize Israel); USSR officials meet with PLO Kaddoumi and Arab League officials.

UN: Security Council approves resolution asking Israel to allow shipment of essential items to West Beirut (US votes for proposal by Jordan).