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  • June 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Some hundred Jewish extremists are arrested by Israeli police while trying to reach al-Aqsa Mosque during demonstration by nearly 10,000...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Some hundred Jewish extremists are arrested by Israeli police while trying to reach al-Aqsa Mosque during demonstration by nearly 10,000 celebrating the 19th anniversary of the "reunification of Jerusalem" [AFP 6/6]. According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, "united Jerusalem" now has 460,000 inhabitants, including 331,000 Jews (71.5%). Al-Fajr reports that 2 released members of the Israeli settler underground have been reinstated into the army reserves and given duty [FJ 6/6]. Al-Fajr reports MK Abba Eban told dovish members of Knesset he recently met with PLO officials while in the U.S., that he believes there can be no peace without the participation of the PLO [FJ 6/6].