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  • November 1, 1996

    Russian FM Primakov meets with Arafat in Gaza, leaves for Jordan for 3-day official visit. (MM 11/1; JTV 11/1, ITAR-TASS [Moscow], JTV, RJ, VOA 11/2, RJ 11/3 in WNC 11/5; PR 11/8)


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  • May 24, 1990

    Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel...

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Russian FM Primakov meets with Arafat in Gaza, leaves for Jordan for 3-day official visit. (MM 11/1; JTV 11/1, ITAR-TASS [Moscow], JTV, RJ, VOA 11/2, RJ 11/3 in WNC 11/5; PR 11/8)

Israeli authorities charge Nahum Korman, security chief of Hadar Beitar settlement, with murdering Palestinian boy beaten to death 10/28. (MM 11/1; WP, WT 11/2; WT 11/3; NYT 11/4)

IDF extends general closure on West Bank, Gaza. (HA 11/1 in IL 11/1)

Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel [have not been]" [WP 5/25]; Yitzhak Rabin believes Israel must oppose idea of UN observers, says "It is inconceivable that we, who observe international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. . should accept the supervision of an element which. . .has participated in almost no peaceful process" [JDS 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MET 6/5].

Bush admin., in effort to avoid confrontation with Israel, says it will discuss possibility of UN observer force in O.T., but objects to any permanent UN presence [LAT 5/25].

Members of House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East blast State Dept's. 3/19 report saying PLO has honored its commitment to renounce terrorism, call report a "whitewash and a pack of lies"; ass't.sec. of state John Kelly defends report [WP 5/25J.

PLO Exec. Committee member Mahmud Abbas meets in Moscow with Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [TASS 5/24; KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].

Head of Israeli Army's Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Mordekhay, meets with 24 W. Bank Palestinians to explain Army curfews and actions following 5/20 killings. Palestinians are top officials in education and commerce [JDS 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].

5-member Soviet delegation arrives in Israel to investigate violence in O.T.; head of group, Mikhail Kapitsa, accuses Israel of acting like "an elephant in a china shop" [MEM 5/25; MET 6/5]; Bernard Kouchner, French minister of state for humanitarian aid, also arrives for fact-finding tour, says he is "deeply depressed" by conditions in Gaza [MEM 5/25; FJ 5/28].