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  • May 27, 1998

    Egyptian FM Musa arrives in Saudi Arabia for talks with Crown Prince `Abdullah on possible Arab summit. Trip was previously unplanned, prompted by Arafat's surprise visit to the kingdom, which...

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Egyptian FM Musa arrives in Saudi Arabia for talks with Crown Prince `Abdullah on possible Arab summit. Trip was previously unplanned, prompted by Arafat's surprise visit to the kingdom, which ended 5/26. (MM 5/27, 6/1)

House Speaker Gingrich, Arafat meet in Ramallah. U.S. congressional delegation then leaves for Jordan. (NYT, WP, WT 5/28; MM, PR 5/29; al-Thawra 5/31 in WNC 6/8; MEI, MM 6/5; JP 6/6)

Syria's Pres. Asad receives congressional delegation led by Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT). (MM 5/28)

Iran, Saudi Arabia sign wide-ranging cooperation agmt. (WP, WT 5/28)

Knesset passes (50-45, with 1 abstention) 1st reading (of 3) of motion to change Israel's election system back to pre-5/96 process, eliminating direct election of PM. Motion is expected to be overturned. (MM 5/28; MEI 6/5)

In s. Lebanon, 2 Golani Brigade mbrs. are killed, 2 wounded by Hizballah roadside bomb. Separately, 1 civilian is injured by IDF shelling. (MM 5/28; RL 6/3 in WNC 6/4; JP 6/6)