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  • June 24, 1990

    Ariel Sharon, new housing minister, promises Israel will make no special effort to settle Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T.: "We do not divert and we do not send any Russian immigrants or any Jew...

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  • February 21, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2...

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Ariel Sharon, new housing minister, promises Israel will make no special effort to settle Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T.: "We do not divert and we do not send any Russian immigrants or any Jew who comes from Russia" to O.T. (cf. 6/25) [IDF 6/24 in FBIS 6/25; WP, LAT, NYT 6/25; CSM 6/27].

Knesset announces plans to allow armed civilian units to patrol perimeters of O.T. settlements; creation of settlers' Civil Guard comes under fire [MEM 6/ 25].

East German president of parliament Sabine Bergmann-Pohl and her West German counterpart Rita Suessmuth visit Israel apparently to allay Israeli concerns about a unified Germany. Bergmann-Pohl says she hopes she "will be able to assist in speeding up the creation of diplomatic relations between the two countries" [WT 6/26].

Israeli transport minister Moshe Qatzav suspends inauguration of direct commercial flights between Tel Aviv and Prague because of dispute over security arrangements in Czech capital UPD 6/25 in FBIS 6/28].

Inspector general of Israeli police, Yaakov Turner, warns Palestinian residents of E. Jerusalem that more of them would be killed if they continue demonstrations that began on 6/20 [JDS 6/24 in FBIS 6/28; NYT 6/25].

Hanna Siniora, editor of Al-Fajr, says of U.S. decision to suspend dialogue with PLO that "the whole area is slipping toward a bottomless pit of hatred and suspicion." Editorials say suspension of dialogue has "put the whole region on a powder keg" and amount to reward for Shamir's intransigence [CSM 6/25].

King Hussein calls on U.S. to reassess its Middle East policy and open door for Soviet Jews who wish to settle in U.S. rather than Israel [WSJ 6/25]

Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid flies to Washington hoping to avert crisis in U.S.-Arab relations and reassert Egypt's role in peace process [LAT 6/25].

Hadashot reports since Arye Bibi, commander of Jerusalem district police, assumed his post, 5 Arabs have been killed by police or border guard fire in the district. Under Bibi's predecessor Yosef Yehuday, no one was killed by police gunfire; due to relative quiet in O.T., Jerusalem is becoming intifada's frontline [HAD 6/25 in FBIS 6/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Different lists begin to compete for appointment to municipal committees in Ramallah and al-Birah, opposition has begun to surface [FJ 2/21].

Arab World: General Secretary of the DFLP Nayif Hawatmah issues public appeal to Yasir Arafat to abrogate 11 February agreement reached last year with King Hussein; representatives of DFLP and Arafat's Fateh organization are reported to have met in Prague during past week to discuss healing rift in PLO [NYT 2/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thirteen Israelis, including 5 soldiers, were wounded in at least 7 bombing incidents in the occupied territories and Israel last week [FJ 2/21].

Arab World: Israel calls off 6-day military operation north of its "security zone" in S. Lebanon, states it will still try to find 2 missing soldiers [BG 2/22].