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  • October 15, 1998

    After a brief 3-way mtg. at the White House, Pres. Clinton, Arafat, PM Netanyahu, their delegations head to Wye Plantation in Maryland for negotiations. (MM, WJW 10/15; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; YA...

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After a brief 3-way mtg. at the White House, Pres. Clinton, Arafat, PM Netanyahu, their delegations head to Wye Plantation in Maryland for negotiations. (MM, WJW 10/15; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/16; YA 10/16 in WNC 10/19; al-Akhbar 10/16 in WNC 10/20)

Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, Jordan's King Hussein discuss Wye talks by phone. In Cairo, Jordanian PM Tarawnah briefs Mubarak on Crown Prince Hassan's mtgs. with Arafat (10/12), Netanyahu (10/14). (MENA 10/15 in WNC 10/16; JTV 10/15 in WNC 10/19)

Lebanese parliament elects (118-0, with 10 absentees, including Druze leader Junblatt, his bloc) Gen. Lahoud as Lebanon's new pres. He will take office 11/24. (MM 10/15; RL 10/15 in WNC 10/16; SATN 10/15 in WNC 10/19; al-Nahar 10/15, RL 10/18 in WNC 10/20; NYT, WP, WT 10/16; RL 10/16 in WNC 10/19; al-Ittihad 10/18 in WNC 10/23; IRNA 10/19 in WNC 10/21; MM 10/28) (see 10/13)

Turkey rejects Syrian offer to discuss water sharing, says Syria must first drop support for Kurdish separatists. (NYT, WP 10/16; HUR 10/16 in WNC 10/19) (see 10/14)

PSF detains 2 Israelis outside PA negotiator Abbas's home in al-Bireh. The Israelis, who turn out to be settler security guards dressed in civilian clothes, claim they entered th PA area to pursue stone-throwers. (PR 10/23)

30 Jewish settlers led by a Molodet party MK occupy a vacant Palestinian home in East Jerusalem, sparking scuffles with Palestinians. 100 Israeli policemen are brought in to quell the disturbances. (IDF Radio 10/15 in WNC 10/19; NYT 10/16; PR 10/23)

Unidentified assailants fire bomb several Palestinian homes in Bethlehem, seriously damaging 1. Palestinians blame local Jewish settlers. (AFP [Internet] 10/17)