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  • November 20, 1992

    Arab delegates to Washington peace talks warn that unless the incoming Clinton administration prods Israel into concessions, they will abandon negotiations early next year. Syria accepts...

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Arab delegates to Washington peace talks warn that unless the incoming Clinton administration prods Israel into concessions, they will abandon negotiations early next year. Syria accepts invitation toresume negotiations in Washington 12/7. (NYT 11/21)

PLO office in London announces it sent a letter to the Pope asking to set up a Palestinian-Vatican commission similar to that of Israel and the Holy See, which is now exploring bilateral ties. (Reuters in MM 11/20)

Israeli Border Police shoot dead 2 armed Black Panther mbrs. near Jenin. (Qol Yisra'el 11/21 in FBIS 11/23)

AIPAC names new president. Steve Grossman, a businessman and chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic party, will replace David Steiner, who resigned 11/4. (NYT 11/21)