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  • April 17, 1999

    Jordan's King Abdallah arrives in Libya for talks with Qaddafi on bilateral relations, expanding economic ties in light of sanctions suspension. He also meets with Arafat, in the country to...

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  • December 27, 1998

    Jordan holds emergency session of the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU) to rally support for Iraq. Iraq sends delegation; Kuwait does not. Iraq protests that the mtg.'s final statement (which says U....

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  • May 5, 1998

    In London, Secy. Albright holds very brief final mtgs. with Arafat, Netanyahu. Albright sets deadline, summoning Arafat, Netanyahu to Washington 5/11. Acceptance of the "invitation"...

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Jordan's King Abdallah arrives in Libya for talks with Qaddafi on bilateral relations, expanding economic ties in light of sanctions suspension. He also meets with Arafat, in the country to discuss declaration of state issue. (Great Jamahiriyya Radio, Libyan Television Network, al-Ra'i, RJ 4/17, JTV, Libyan Television Network, RJ 4/18 in WNC 4/19; JT [Internet] 4/19; al-Bayan 4/19 in WNC 4/20; MEI 4/23)

Jordan holds emergency session of the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU) to rally support for Iraq. Iraq sends delegation; Kuwait does not. Iraq protests that the mtg.'s final statement (which says U.S.-led attack jeopardized regional peace, worsened economic hardships for Iraqis) is not strong enough, should condemned U.S. intentions to overthrow the Iraqi regime. (al-Dustur, JT, JTV, MBC, al-Ra'i 12/27 in WNC 12/29; CSM 12/28; al-Bayan, al-Dustur 12/29 in WNC 12/31)

In London, Secy. Albright holds very brief final mtgs. with Arafat, Netanyahu. Albright sets deadline, summoning Arafat, Netanyahu to Washington 5/11. Acceptance of the "invitation" would require both sides to agree to the U.S. 13.1% FRD proposal (which Netanyahu still claims is impossible); and to begin accelerated final status negotiations at the 5/11 mtg., in advance of the redeployments. Arafat agrees, but Netanyahu says he must consult his cabinet at its weekly session 5/10. If Netanyahu fails to come to Washington, administration officials say they would be forced to "reevaluate and reexamine our role" in the peace process. Following the announcement, CPMAJO demands a conference call with Albright 5/6 to denounce pressure on Israel. (MM 5/5; IDF Radio, JTV 5/5, al-Dustur, MENA, VOL, YA 5/6, VOA 5/7 in WNC 5/8; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/6; NYT 5/7; CSM, MEI, MM, PR 5/8)

U.S., PA, Israeli teams stay in London to try to bridge gaps on FRD. U.S. delegation presents Netanyahu's C-plus idea to the PA team, which rejects it. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/6)

In Beirut, FM Buwayz discusses Israel's conditional withdrawal proposal with Chinese amb. An Huihou. China says it supports Lebanon's position but does not promise to use its veto should any amendments to UN Res. 425 come before the UNSC. (al-Safir 5/6 in WNC 5/8)

Hamas's Shaykh Yasin arrives in the UAE. (MM 5/7; al-Bayan [Dubai] 5/10 in WNC 5/13; MM 5/12)

Kuwait allows families of 25 Jordanians still detained for allegedly collaborating with Iraq during the Gulf War to fly to Kuwait to visit their relatives. (al-Ra'i 5/5 in WNC 5/8) (see 4/27)

PA GIS agents arrest without charge Reuters reporter Abbas al-Moumani, who delivered Hamas video tape to the PA on 4/9. (LAW 5/8)