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  • February 27, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet arrests 2 American schoolteachers in Ramallah on charges of possessing "inciteful materials" [LAT 2/29].

    Arab World: PLO...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shin Bet arrests 2 American schoolteachers in Ramallah on charges of possessing "inciteful materials" [LAT 2/29].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat says he is submitting to U.S. names of Palestinians with whom Sec. of State Shultz can meet [NYT 2/28]. Sec. Shultz meets with Syrian f.m. Faruq al-Shar' and Pres. Hafiz al-Asad in Damascus and with Jordanian p.m. Zayd Rifa'i and Crown Prince Hasan in Amman to discuss new U. S. peace proposals [NYT 2/28]. Syria and Jordan restate their support for UN-sponsored international conference [WP 2/28].

Other Countries: Estimated 4,000 participate in Amsterdam march protesting Israeli policies in occupied territories [FJ 3/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cashes between IDF troops and worshipers outside mosque and hospital in Halhul result in 1 dead, at least 5 injured by tear gas inhalation and live ammunition [NYT 2/28]. Troops use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition in effort to disperse crowds from nearby 'Arrub camp blocking Jerusalem-Hebron highway; 1 is killed, and 4 wounded. Towns along road are ordered under curfew [WP 2/28]. In 'Ubaydiyyah, soldiers impose curfew, arrest 32 [FJ 2/28]. Curfew is also imposed in Jabalya, 'Arrub, and Burayj camps [FJ 2/28].