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  • May 27, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: An election to determine the Labor party's slate of candidates for upcoming Knesset elections produces list more "dovish" than past...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: An election to determine the Labor party's slate of candidates for upcoming Knesset elections produces list more "dovish" than past Labor slates [NYT 5/28]. Israel announces that the Soviets have said they prefer a Palestinian confederation with Jordan to an independent Palestinian state [NYT 5/28].

Other Countries: Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak and Algerian pres. Chadli Bendjedid meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to discuss reestablishment of relations between the two countries. There have been no formal relations since 1979 signing of Egypt-Israel peace treaty [WP 5/27].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In the Zaytun neighborhood in Gaza a 3-year-old girl dies after troops use tear gas to disperse demonstrators. Two other Palestinians, shot by troops in earlier demonstrations, die [NYT 5/28, FJ 5/29]. Soldiers injure 4 in Khan Yunis [FJ 5/29].