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  • February 24, 1998

    Arafat, King Hussein reject Netanyahu's proposal for Camp David-style talks. (WT 2/25; JT 2/25 in WNC 3/3) (see 2/23)

    Mossad chief Yatom resigns under heavy...

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Arafat, King Hussein reject Netanyahu's proposal for Camp David-style talks. (WT 2/25; JT 2/25 in WNC 3/3) (see 2/23)

Mossad chief Yatom resigns under heavy pressure from within the agency to accept responsibility for failed assassination attempt on Hamas's Mishal. PM Netanyahu accepts resignation "with regret," praising Yatom's "personal integrity, self-sacrifice, and deep commitment to the country's security." (MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/25; JT 2/25 in WNC 3/3; MM 2/26; WT 3/2; CSM 3/5; JP 3/7) (see 2/19)

100 mbrs. of Refah party, banned by the Turkish government 1/16, form new Virtue party. (WP, NYT 2/25; NYT 2/26; MEI 2/27; Zaman [Istanbul] 3/8 in WNC 3/10)

3 Lebanese homes in s. Lebanon are damages during Israeli air force raid. (RL 2/24)