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  • May 2, 1994

    Secy. of State Christopher presents Syrian counterproposals to Israeli PM Rabin. FM Peres says Syrian ideas received "with great interest." Christopher calls progress "significant," plans to...

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Secy. of State Christopher presents Syrian counterproposals to Israeli PM Rabin. FM Peres says Syrian ideas received "with great interest." Christopher calls progress "significant," plans to return to region later in month. (CSM, MM, WP, WT 5/3)

Knesset defeats 3 motions of no confidence in Rabin govt. Rabin opens Labor party mtg. on negotiations to public. Opposition posters throughout Israel declare "The nation is with the Golan." Rabin, defending withdrawal proposals in Knesset, observes "Tanks, not settlements, provide security. If people want to rule over a foreign nation, they must know it is going to cost them blood." (MM, NYT, WT 5/3)

Israel and PLO sign formal agreement on TIPH at Danish FMin. TIPH force-90 Norwegians, 35 Danes, and 35 Italians-to deploy in Hebron 5/8. (MM 5/3; CSM 5/4)(see 3/31)

World Bank releases 3-yr., $1.2 b. Emergency Assistance Program for the Occupied Territories. Plan is to be undertaken by PECDAR in coordination with Israel, World Bank, and donor nations. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/3)

International Labor Organization releases report stating overall o.t. unemployment rate at least 25%, over 40% in Gaza. ILO seeks $135 m. for programs to help 12,000 frmr. political prisoners get work, provide 15,000 temporary jobs per month. (MM 5/3; CSM 5/4)

IDF Central Command issues orders restricting use of live ammunition against Palestinians, Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran saying "a new era and a new approach begins." (MM 5/3)

Hamas gunmen attack Ganei Tal in Gush Qatif settlement bloc, Gaza Strip, wounding 2 IDF soldiers. (MM 5/3)

IDF soldier shot dead at Gaza Strip base by fellow soldier who mistakes him for Palestinian assailant. (MM 5/3)

Israel sends 16 delegates, 12 journalists to multilateral Middle East peace talks on arms control in Doha, Qatar, via Cairo. Other delegations only 6 mbrs. (MM 5/3)