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  • June 23, 1997

    In exchange for the Yisrael B'Aliya's support in the 6/24 no-confidence vote, PM Netanyahu agrees to transfer $63 m. to the Immigration Min. to settle Russian immigrants. (MM 6/24; NYT, WP, WT 6/...

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  • April 21, 1993

    FMs of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and the PLO end 6 days of meetings in Damascus, agree to resume talks 4/27, a 1-week delay (see 4/17). Haydar 'Abd al-Shafis "surprised" by the PLO decision to...

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  • September 6, 1992

    PLO, PNC, and DFLP (Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh wing) strongly condemn 9/5 tripartite rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)

    PM Rabin meets with Golan settlers,...

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In exchange for the Yisrael B'Aliya's support in the 6/24 no-confidence vote, PM Netanyahu agrees to transfer $63 m. to the Immigration Min. to settle Russian immigrants. (MM 6/24; NYT, WP, WT 6/25; CSM 6/27)

Jordan signs $25 m. in loan agmts. with the Arab Monetary Fund, Arab Trade and Financing Program. (RJ 6/23 in WNC 6/24)

Israel orders the demolition of 17 Palestinian homes nr. a settler bypass road nr. Hebron. The homes, some dating back to the 1960s, house over 160 persons. (LAW 6/23; MM 7/8)

ILMG meets to discuss violence in Jazzin (see 6/18, 6/20), Arnun and Maghdusha (6/22); warns all sides to prevent endangering civilians. (RL, RMC 6/23 in WNC 6/24; RL 6/24 in WNC 6/25; MM 6/26, 6/27)

FMs of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and the PLO end 6 days of meetings in Damascus, agree to resume talks 4/27, a 1-week delay (see 4/17). Haydar 'Abd al-Shafis "surprised" by the PLO decision to resume. (SARR 4/21 in FBIS 4/21; JTV 4/21 in FBIS 4/22; MM 4/21; NYT, WP 4/22)

Israel announces it has "no plans" to deport Palestinians, while reserving the right to do so, allows East Jerusalemite Faisal Husseini to head Palestinian delegation. (NYT, WP 4/22)

Palestinian Peoples' Party mbr. and delegate Ghassan al-Khatib announces he and fellow PPP mbr. Samir Abdallah will boycott the next round of talks. (RMC 4/21 in FBIS 4/22; WT 4/22)

At news conf., Secy. of State Christopher calls Palestinian decision to resume talks "courageous"; through negotiations, Palestinians 'can see occupation give way to selfgovernment." (MM, NYT, WP 4/22)

Fateh issues warning against attacks on Palestinian negotiators. (Jordan Times 4/24 in FBIS 4/26)

Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Ghawshah rules out violence against Palestinian negotiators, calls resumption of talks a "cheap sellout," the PLO's "biggest historic mistake" which will have to be corrected because of popular opposition; because of its stand, Hamas is gaining popularity in o.t. (MM 4/21; Jordan Times 4/24 in FBIS 4/26)

IDF shoots 2 Palestinians dead, wounds over 50 in Gaza Strip in worst clashes since o.t. were sealed 3/31. (MM 4/21; WP 4/22; Qol Yisra'el 4/21, 4/22 in FBIS 4/22)

Arab Monetary Fund reports Arab states lost $676 billion during Gulf crisis and war. (MM 4/21)

U.S. State Dept. sends letter to Intl. Steering Comm. on Freedom of Trade with Israel stating that Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have pledged to lift their boycott of companies doing business with Israel. (MM 4/30; WT 5/5)

IDF rains over 100 shells on villages north of "security zone" as resistance fighters launch over 50 rockets into northern Israel from Lebanon. (MM 4/21, 4/22; Qol Yisra'el 4/21, 4/22 in FBIS 4/22)

PLO, PNC, and DFLP (Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh wing) strongly condemn 9/5 tripartite rejection of Palestinian autonomy plan. (Sawt al-Sha'b 9/7 in FBIS 9/8)

PM Rabin meets with Golan settlers, refuses to declare that their settlements will not be hurt in an agreement with Syria, says importance of the Golan to Israel's security is not linked to settlements, "whether there are over 30 or half of that." (Qol Yisra'el 9/6, 9/7 in FBIS 9/8; Qol Yisra'el 9/10 in FBIS 9/10)

Annual Arab Economic Report (issued by Arab Monetary Fund, Arab League, and other orgs.) estimates that the Gulf crisis and war cost the Arab world $620 billion. (NYT 9/8)

Amal and Hizballah win 22 of 23 seats in 3rd round of Lebanese elections; Christians largely boycott the elections. (NYT, WP 6/9)