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  • January 14, 1983


    IDF new appeals committee in Ansar prison in South Lebanon, has considered 1,000 cases, recommended release of 50 which must be approved by Northern Commander General Amir Drori...

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IDF new appeals committee in Ansar prison in South Lebanon, has considered 1,000 cases, recommended release of 50 which must be approved by Northern Commander General Amir Drori; bulldozers begin removing rubble from Martyr's Square in downtown Beirut in $450 million first stage of 5 year rehabilitation plan.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Interior Ministry stops issuing permits for Israeli tourists to visit Lebanon due to security situation, Lebanese citizens may enter Israel without restrictions, but Palestinians need special permit as some have visited relatives and not returned to Lebanon; Central Bureau of Statistics publishes 1982 inflation rate at 131.5%, second highest ever, and trade deficit at $3 billion, an increase of 18%o; head of Israeli Olympic committee and Hapoel Games Iaaac Ofek says athletes from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Kenya, Ivory Coast, and Zaire will participate in Hapoel Games in May; Tourism Minister Avraham Sharir at Israel Bonds meeting in Paris says invasion of Lebanon prompted to prevent nonaggression pact PLO sought with Israel through US diplomatic channels, amends statement to cease-fire rather than nonaggression after controversy arises in Israel and Sheli Party demands resignation of Government, but Likud MK Benny Shalita confirms IDF said before invasion that PLO wanted non-aggression pact.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat goes to Iraq to talk with Saddam Hussein; US envoy Habib arrives in Beirut to speed up negotiations, suggesting first stage of withdrawal of troops to begin on Feb. 12.

Arab Governments: Arab League Secretary General Chedli Klibi in Bonn meeting with Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher, calls on West Germany and its European allies to recognize the PLO and press for the establishment of a Palestinian state. US and Other Countries: Angolan news agency ANGOP says Israeli experts are training UNITA troops in northern Namibia.

UN: Secretary General Perez de Cuellar says Lebanon seeks to expand role of UNIFIL, calls for renewal of UNIFIL mandate, (UNIFIL troops now excluded from Sidon and Tyre), expresses concern over $152 million shortfall in UNIFIL financing.