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  • April 26, 1990

    Israeli Supreme Court upholds eviction order of 150 Jewish settlers from Hospice of St. John in Jerusalem, saying all but 20 settlers must leave by 5/1; the 20 may remain in hospice as guards...

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  • March 6, 1990

    After internal debate, Likud party says Labor must agree to "basic and essential" issues before Israeli-Palestinian negotiations can proceed: (1) E. Jerusalem Arabs be excluded from talks and (2)...

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Israeli Supreme Court upholds eviction order of 150 Jewish settlers from Hospice of St. John in Jerusalem, saying all but 20 settlers must leave by 5/1; the 20 may remain in hospice as guards while lower court hears testimony on Panamanian-owned company that sublet to settlers [WP, NYT, LAT 4/27].

Labor party leader Shimon Peres officially surrenders his mandate to form new Israeli gov't. after 5 weeks of bargaining [NYT, LAT 4/27; IDF 4/26 in FBIS 4/ 26].

In departure from usual custom, Israel declines to release Muslim prisoners in celebration of Muslim holiday of Id al-Fitr, apparently to avoid speculation it is involved in prisoner exchange [NYT 4/ 27].

U.S. State Dep't. statement strongly criticizes start of 2 new Israeli settlements in O.T. [WP 4/27].

PLO rep. Hakam Balawi meets with ambassador Robert Pelletreau to discuss situation in O.T. [TDS 4/27 in FBIS 4/ 27].

Israel's Knesset Finance Committee approves NIS 2.44 billion plan to build 32,500 housing units for new immigrants [JPD 4/27 in FBIS 4/27].

After internal debate, Likud party says Labor must agree to "basic and essential" issues before Israeli-Palestinian negotiations can proceed: (1) E. Jerusalem Arabs be excluded from talks and (2) Israel reserves the right to walk out of sessions if it believes PLO is trying to control or direct discussions [NYT, WP, WT 3/6]; Labor rejects these terms [NYT 3/7].

U.S.-PLO dialogue continues in Tunis, where Hakam Balawi meets with Robert Pelletreau [BVP 3/7 in FBIS 3/9].

In op-ed piece to Washington Post former Sec. of State George Shultz writes "some form of confederation between Israel, the Palestinians, Jordan, and perhaps Egypt seems as necessary as it is inevitable" [WP 3/6].

Quoting "regional officials and experts," New York Times reports changes sweeping E. Europe represent major strategic setback for Palestinians and other Arabs [NYT 3/6].

Arub Academy, a 2-year teachers' college in W. Bank, is reopened by Israeli army [WP 3/7].