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  • January 16, 1996

    Oslo II bill passes its 2d and 3d readings (48-44) in the Knesset. (MM 1/16, 1/17) (see 1/8)

    Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert, Arafat adviser Faisal Husseini confirm that Israel (under the...

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Oslo II bill passes its 2d and 3d readings (48-44) in the Knesset. (MM 1/16, 1/17) (see 1/8)

Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert, Arafat adviser Faisal Husseini confirm that Israel (under the direction of M Beilin), the PA (under Husseini) have been holding informal discussions for some time regarding the principles on which to negotiate Jerusalem's final status. (Davar 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; VOP 1/18 in FBIS 1/19; QY 1/26, VOP 1/27, MENA 1/28 in FBIS 1/29)

Jordan, Israel sign transportation agmt. (QY 1/16 in FBIS 1/17; MM 1/17; JP 1/27)

U.S. VP Gore meets PM Peres, FM Barak in Israel, then meets with Arafat in Jericho. (MM 1/16; QY 1/16 in FBIS 1/16; VOP 1/16 in FBIS 1/17)

In 1st fatal attack since redeployment, 2 IDF soldiers are shot, killed in Hebron. The previously unknown Mujahidin of Islam claims it carried out the attack in retribution for Ayyash slaying 1/5. IDF puts curfew on surrounding villages for several hours to search for gunmen. (MM, NYT, WP 1/17; QY 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; CSM 1/18: JP 1/27)

In an address to the German parliament, Israeli Pres. Ezer Weizman says Israel cannot forgive Germany for the Holocaust though it is grateful for current strong bilateral ties. Germany announces plans to provide monthly pensions (of around $400; estimated $1.5 b. over next 10 to 15 yrs.) to German, German-speaking Jews who survived the Holocaust. Most now live in Israel, U.S. (NYT, WT 1/17)

Lebanese military prosecutor issues warrant for SLA Cmdr. Antoine Lahd on charges of collaboration with Israel, usurping state sovereignty, kidnapping, murder. (RL 1/16 in FBIS 1/17)