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  • August 29, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach demonstrators march on Umm al-Fahm trying to establish Arab "emigration" office there; counter demonstration joined by local...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kach demonstrators march on Umm al-Fahm trying to establish Arab "emigration" office there; counter demonstration joined by local Palestinians and Jewish sympathizers; police intervene to forestall violence.

Arab World: Pierre Gemayel dies of heart attack in Lebanon.

Other Countries: UN Security Council hears Lebanon's case against Israeli actions in S. Lebanon.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF reveals new upgraded Soviet T-54 & T-55 tanks adapted from those captured in wars with Arab armies.

Arab World: IDF armored convoys advance north of Awali River in new offensive against resistance. 3 IDF troops wounded by roadside bomb near Marjayoun.