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  • January 28, 1985


    Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz assures visiting DM Rabin of US opposition to intl. conference on Middle East under UN auspices or with participation of...

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  • June 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    48 Israeli air strikes are reported in the areas of Nabatiyeh, Beaufort Castle, Arnoun, Hasbaya and Aichiye; Israeli jets and gun-boats bomb and strafe several dozen...

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Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz assures visiting DM Rabin of US opposition to intl. conference on Middle East under UN auspices or with participation of USSR [JP 1/29]. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 settlers injured when their bus is stoned near Halhoul; authorities detain 1 Halhoul resident [FJ 2/1]. Nature Reserve Authority (Green Patrol) officials drive onto olive orchards in al-Mill (Area 9), destroy more than 140 trees; land was scene of recent (1/9, 1/25, 1/27) incidents [FJ 2/1].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: fighting breaks out between commandos and collaborators in 'Ain al-Hilweh. Reports indicate IDF kill 7-yr.-old Hawra Hadrag when troops at checkpoint open fire on car in Sidon [LT 1/29]. Mine wounds 3 IDF troops near Marjayoun. 2 IDF personnel injured as bomb explodes near convoy over Qasimiya Bridge [JTA 1/29]. Bomb explodes in Burj al-Shamali as IDF patrol passes; no injuries. Explosion occurs near SLA patrol in Deir Qanun, shots fired at SLA patrol in Sidon; no injuries. Katyusha launched at IDF position, undisclosed location; no injuries [JP 1/29]. 

Military Action:

48 Israeli air strikes are reported in the areas of Nabatiyeh, Beaufort Castle, Arnoun, Hasbaya and Aichiye; Israeli jets and gun-boats bomb and strafe several dozen targets along a 25-mile corridor from Tyre to Naameh (8 miles south of Beirut); Israeli bombardment of the Chouf region (a Lebanese left stronghold) is reported; Israeli tanks move into Haddad-controlled enclave in southern Lebanon and heavy artillery batteries move into Marjayoun 6 miles inside Lebanon; Damour area attacked for two hours as Israeli helicopters conduct reconnaissance flights.

Syria's estimated 30,000 troops inside Lebanon remain uninvolved, and no Syrian aircraft engage Israeli jets.


PLO sources claim 130 killed, 250 wounded and 3 Israeli jets shot down yesterday; Lebanese and Palestinian sources report many civilian casualties; the Rashidiyeh refugee camp near Tyre hit; thousands of civilians jam northern road as Sidon and other southern Lebanese towns empty in fear of an Israeli attack.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Military censors UN accounts of fighting inside Lebanon; Labor party urges government to "control" Lebanese action and seek to restore cease-fire, complains about lack of prior consultation; 2000 protest in Tel Aviv against Israeli hostilities and criticize Israeli policies in the "occupied territories."

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in Saudi Arabia to mediate Iran/Iraq war, says PLO will respond strongly; Lebanese Foreign Minister Butros, noting lack of response from Arab world, asks "confrontation states" to stop being spectators, provide concrete solidarity and confrontation.

US: Secretary of State Alexander Haig, in Versailles, calls Israeli bombing of Lebanon "very serious," announces Philip Habib will seek to restore July 1981 cease-fire.

UN: Security Council meets in emergency session and issues unanimous call for cease-fire in Lebanon.