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  • December 23, 1992

    Israel rejects U.S. appeal to allow Palestinian deportees to settle in "security zone," agrees to allow UN and Red Cross to provide food to the deportees. (Davar 12/24 in FBIS 12/28)


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Israel rejects U.S. appeal to allow Palestinian deportees to settle in "security zone," agrees to allow UN and Red Cross to provide food to the deportees. (Davar 12/24 in FBIS 12/28)

Four-mbr. Hamas delegation (pol. bureau head Musa Abu Marzuq, Amman spokesman Ibrahim Ghawshah, Amman rep. Muhammad Nazzal, and Tehran rep. 'Imad al-Qalami) begins talks with PLO in Tunis. (MENA 12/23, al-Dustur, al-Hayat 12/24 in FBIS 12/28)

FM Shimon Peres says "Israel must enter a dialogue with any Palestinian or Palestinian organization that expresses awillingness to reach a peace agreement." (Yedi'ot Aharonot 12/23 in FBIS 12/23)

Two Palestinian brothers killed, up to 80 wounded in clashes with IDF in Gaza Strip. (NYT 12/24)