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  • January 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli reservist convicted of stealing money from West Bank residents returning from Jordan. Chrmn. of US Joint Chiefs of Staff arrives from...

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Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli reservist convicted of stealing money from West Bank residents returning from Jordan. Chrmn. of US Joint Chiefs of Staff arrives from mtg. with Pres. Gemayel for 3-day visit with IDF officials. Zionist General Council convenes in Jerusalem to discuss settlement, immigration, Jewish education, as well as crisis in the Zionist movement. Muhammed Amireh, journalist with al-Quds, placed under town arrest for 6 mos. Palestinian journalist, Raymonda Tawil prevented from leaving West Bank to participate in political debate for West German television. Meir Kahane, after stating to press he would turn himself in only if later released on bail, reports to Jerusalem police station; released on IS25,000 bail and ordered to turn over US passport to authorities.

Arab World: 3 PLO Executive Committee members, Abdul Mohsen Abu Maizar (Ind.), Ahmed al-Yamani (PFLP) and Yasser Abed Rabbo (PDFLP), leave talks in Tunis, return to Damascus. Syrian and Lebanese FMs meet in Riyadh with Saudi counterparts for talks on Lebanon security plan; talks focus on Syrian call for repudiation of May 17 agreement.