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  • November 18, 1990

    Iraq announces it will release all foreign hostages over 3 months starting Christmas Day "if nothing happens to disturb the atmosphere of peace." U.S. calls offer "cynical manipulation" [BADS 11/...

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Iraq announces it will release all foreign hostages over 3 months starting Christmas Day "if nothing happens to disturb the atmosphere of peace." U.S. calls offer "cynical manipulation" [BADS 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; LAT, NYT, WT, WP, MEM 11/19; CSM 11/20; MET 11/27].

In Rome for audience with Pope John Paul 11, Soviet Pres. Gorbachev says he is "convinced" Gulf crisis could be solved without war [NYT 11/19].

In Tel Aviv address, P.M. Shamir speaks of the need "to keep the land of Israel from the sea to the Jordan for the generations to come . . . " (cf. 11/19, 11/20, 11/21, 11/26) [JDS 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; WT, MEM 11/19; CSM 11/20; FJ 11/26].

After meeting with King Fahd in Jeddah, Soviet envoy Belonogov arrives in Damascus for unscheduled talks with Pres. Asad [TASS 11/18 in FBIS 11/19; AFP 11/18 in FBIS 11/20; WT 11/19; MET 11/27].

Following brief meeting in Germany on Gulf crisis with Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Pres. Bush arrives in Paris, discusses crisis with Pres. Mitterrand [WP, MEM 11/19].

Israeli cabinet announces establishment of interministerial committee for Jerusalem, to be headed by P.M. Shamir. The committee, which must be approved by full Knesset, will replace just-established interministerial panel on "Temple Mount," which was advocated by Zamir Commission inquiry into 10/8 killings [MEM 11/19].