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  • November 4, 1990

    Sec. Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia; soldiers say they wanted to get fighting over with so they could go home IWP, NYT, MEM 11/5]; Baker then flies to Manama for 2-day visit [WAKH 11/4...

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Sec. Baker visits U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia; soldiers say they wanted to get fighting over with so they could go home IWP, NYT, MEM 11/5]; Baker then flies to Manama for 2-day visit [WAKH 11/4 in FBIS 11/5].

After weeks of delay, lead contingent of Syrian armored division, bringing Soviet-built T-62 tanks arrives in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. Contingent is 1st of a promised 15,000- man division to take up positions with multinational force in Gulf [WP, NYT 11/5].

Iraqi Defense Ministry calls up retired officers from military reserves [AFP, BADS 11/4 in FBIS 11/6], while Iraqi Information Minister tells reporters that Iraq will not leave Kuwait, even if it leads to war [WP, NYT, MEM 11/5].

In Alexandria, Pres. Mitterrand says UN embargo against Iraq should be given more time to be effective: "The embargo demands patience. Every week we achieve new results ... Saddam Hussein is driving the world into a destructive war, but his destruction will be even worse" [WP 11/5]. Mitterrand meets with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 11/4 in FBIS 11/5].

Israeli gov't dismisses as "one sided" UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar's 11/1 suggestion that Palestinian safety be placed in hands of UN meeting [JDS 11/4 in FBIS 11/5; WP, NYT, MEM 11/5].

Clashes between IDF and Palestinians in Gaza continue for 2d day; at least 86 Palestinians are wounded [JDS 11/4 in FBIS 11/6].

Abul Abbas, Palestine Liberation Front leader, confirms rumors that Libya has expelled 145 PLF members and closed down 4 training camps [WP 11/5].