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  • September 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only joking . . . There is no element in the Arab world willing to give us peace." Shamir aides call on Mubarak to "stop preaching" [LAT, NYT 9/22].

Arab World: After meeting with President Mubarak, PLO leader Arafat says he endorses "open talks" with Israel, and urges citizens to help him resisthe controversial I. D. cards required of O.T. residents. [LAT, NYT 9/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians stone bus carrying West German tourists through Bethlehem, injuring two [LAT 9/22; MET 10/3].

Arab World: 16 pro-Iranian Shiite Kuwaitis are publicly beheaded in Saudi Arabia in connection with bombing during the annual pilgrimage in July [NYT, WP, LAT 9/22]. Lebanese Muslim member of parliament, Nazem Kaderi, 73, is assassinated in West Beirut [LAT, NYT 9/22]. Israeli troops attack Hizballah positions north of the "security zone" in Lebanon [MET 10/ 3].