3 / 15493 Results
  • June 19, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir states that intifadah will be confronted with "iron fist" [NYT 6/20]. Yitzhaq Mordekhay, military commander of Gaza, will replace...

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  • March 28, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Yitzhaq Rabin announces Fateh has refrained from attacking Israeli positions [WP 3/29].

    Arab World: Saudi Arabia's King Fahd...

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  • March 16, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Absorption Minister Yitzhaq Peretz announces that of 2,226 Jews leaving the Soviet Union in February only 332 immigrated to Israel; in...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir states that intifadah will be confronted with "iron fist" [NYT 6/20]. Yitzhaq Mordekhay, military commander of Gaza, will replace Amram Mitznas military commander of W. Bank; Matan Vilna'i will become commander of Gaza [FBIS 6/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 7 Palestinians are shot, injured in Gaza Strip. Settlers,olders shoot, wound 4 Palestinians in W. Bank. Curfews in Farra, Tulkarm camps enter 13th day [FJ 6/26]. Soldiers destroy or seal 4 Palestinian houses in W. Bank [FBIS 6/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Yitzhaq Rabin announces Fateh has refrained from attacking Israeli positions [WP 3/29].

Arab World: Saudi Arabia's King Fahd and Egypt's Pres. Mubarak meet in Egypt, discuss Middle East peace, bilateral relations [FBIS 3/29]. Chedli Klibi is reelected chairman of Arab League for 3rd 5-year term [FBIS 3/29]. PLO Executive Committee nominates Arafat to be president of State of Palestine [FBIS 3/29]. In Cairo, Arafat meets with leaders of Muslim Brotherhood [FBIS 4/5].

Other Countries: French Pres. Mitterand announces he will meet with PLO chairman Arafat [FBIS 3/29, FJ 4/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 19-year-old Palestinian from Salim dies from wounds received 3/13 [FJ 4/3]. At least 10 Palestinians are injured during clashes in O.T. In Balata 3 women are treated after receiving cut wounds on the head during clashes with troops [FBIS 3/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Absorption Minister Yitzhaq Peretz announces that of 2,226 Jews leaving the Soviet Union in February only 332 immigrated to Israel; in first 2 weeks of March only 60 of the 1,641 Jews leaving Soviet Union went to Israel [FBIS 3/16, JP 3/25].

Arab World: Egypt takes full control of Taba [WP 3/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Burqin Israeli troops destroy homes of 3 Palestinians [FBIS 3/17].