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  • December 12, 1982

    Military Action:

    Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.


    10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF...

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Military Action:

Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.


10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF soldiers wounded in grenade attack near Nabatiyeh.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir leaves for 12 day trip to Argentina and Uruguay, claims he will not talk about arms sales; Sharon, returning from US and Honduras, says Israeli military mission will go to Honduras next month to strengthen military cooperation; Bethlehem Mayor Freij asserts most West Bank Palestinians support confederation with Jordan, urges simultaneous mutual recognition between PLO and Israel; Israeli High Court temporarily bans demolition of Arab houses in Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat arrives in Amman for third round of talks with Jordanian officials aimed at developing a joint strategy on recent Arab and US peace plans; Gemayel sends internal security forces chief Hisham Shaar to Tripoli to negotiate cease-fire.

Arab Governments: Syrian commander for North Lebanon gives Gemayel aide a letter from Syrian Defense Minister Tlas pledging Syrian support in ending fighting; Saudi radio says British relations with Arab world could be severely affected by London's post-ponement of delegation including PLO representative; President Mubarak accuses Syria of blocking solution to Palestinian problem, asserts Syria influenced PLO to reject Reagan proposals.

US and Other Countries: France and Israel to reconvene cultural and educational commission suspended unilaterally by France after invasion.