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  • February 25, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Doubts continue as to cost-effectiveness of proposed Lavi fighter plane; DM Rabin orders reassessment UP 2/26].

    Arab World: PLO...

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  • February 23, 1985


    Arab World: Jordan officially releases text of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord; Acting Information Minister Taher Hikmat asserts PLO thereby accepts UN Sec. Council...

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  • January 26, 1985

    Military Action

    Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: 4 Katyushas fired at IDF position near Kamed al-Luz. Katyusha fired from Burj al-Shamali at IDF position in Tyre. 6th Katyusha fired at IDF...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Doubts continue as to cost-effectiveness of proposed Lavi fighter plane; DM Rabin orders reassessment UP 2/26].

Arab World: PLO Political Dept. head Farouq Qaddoumi insists Jordan must accept qualifications of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord explained 2/19 by PLO exec. committee [WP 2/27].

Other Countries: Reagan Administration "encouraged" by renewed efforts at negotiations, but refrains from involvement until greater "agreement among the parties" exists [PI 2/26].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Katyusha fired at IDF post near Qasmiya. IDF patrol in Tyre attacked. No casualties in either attacks. IDF searches Harouf, Shabriha [JP 2/26].


Arab World: Jordan officially releases text of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord; Acting Information Minister Taher Hikmat asserts PLO thereby accepts UN Sec. Council Resolution 242; in contrast to PLO central committee [2/20], Jordanian text states "joint delegation" means joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation [WP 2/24]. Lebanese PM Karami condemns 2/23 IDF raids in S. Lebanon [NYT 2/24].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid S. Lebanon villages of Adsheet, 'Arab Salim, Toura, Burj Rahhal, Bidias, Yanuh, Kafr Sir, Harouf, Aita al-Jabal, al-Quseibeh. IDF kill Amal leader Sami Haider in Toura. 8 resistance fighters killed, 2 captured in Sir al-Gharbiya. IDF kill occupant of car fired upon in Burj Rahhal [WP, NYT 2/24]. 6 IDF positions near Tyre, Wadi Jilo, Deir Qanun attacked [PI 2/24].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: 4 Katyushas fired at IDF position near Kamed al-Luz. Katyusha fired from Burj al-Shamali at IDF position in Tyre. 6th Katyusha fired at IDF troops near Ansariya. RPG fired at SLA position in Harouf [JP 1/27].