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  • August 28, 1983

    Military Action:

    Gunmen fire from car at Amal supporters putting up posters of Imam Musa Sadr in Burj al-Barajneh, Lebanese Army unit sent in, sets up roadblocks, small arms battle begins...

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Military Action:

Gunmen fire from car at Amal supporters putting up posters of Imam Musa Sadr in Burj al-Barajneh, Lebanese Army unit sent in, sets up roadblocks, small arms battle begins between Amal militia and Army, continues through evening; Amal seizes Army APC with 5 soldiers, tries to storm building at Lebanese University south of Beirut; heavy sniper fire in streets of south Beirut suburbs; mortars and rockets hit airport; US Marine position at Hayy al-Sollom, east of airport, comes under RPG and semi-automatic weapons fire for 90 minutes, Marines return fire for first time with M-16s and M-60 machine guns; bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Aley.


2 civilians killed, 12 Lebanese soldiers wounded; airport closed indefinitely, terminal damaged; 1 IDF soldier wounded near Aley.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells Cabinet he intends to resign.

US and Other Countries: Pentagon says Marines in Lebanon returned fire on confirmed targets, decision was consistent with policy giving authority to fire back if directly threatened.