Military Action:
Cease-fire generally holds, despite intermittent artillery duels between IDF and PLO; IDF pounding guerrilla positions with artillery from land and sea, particularly around the Burj al-Barajneh refugee camp, but clashes remain limited; Palestinian guerrillas shower E. Beirut suburb of Baabda with rocket and shellfire as Israeli Defense Minister Sharon arrives to meet with US envoy Habib; IDF tanks surround small Lebanese military port of Kaslik.
First running water in two weeks draws many out of buildings (resumption of water seems to be a result of US pressure); rescue workers still pulling out bodies from collapsed buildings; estimated 130,000 refugees living hidden in lobbies, basements, underground garages of unfinished buildings and in public gardens.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon campaigns against Habib plan for PLO evacuation (Sharon, after meeting with Habib outside Beirut, denies there is an agreement; aides call Habib plan a "fraud" that will allow PLO to stay on in Beirut behind protection of international peacekeeping force); Israeli Cabinet sharply divided (Begin reportedly disassociates self from Sharon); Muslim leaders call strike on West Bank to "reflect" on events in Lebanon; Israelis want a multinational peacekeeping force deployed only after all or most of the Palestinian and Syrian fighters have left; PM Begin believes that PLO guerrillas will leave shortly without IDF having to enter W. Beirut; Israeli Ambassador to US Moshe Arens states that Israel requires rosters accounting for all Palestinian guerrillas in Beirut.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO proposes first group leave by sea; Lebanese government expected to make official request for international forces to come to Beirut within next 24 hours; Camille Chamoun calls on Syrians to evacuate Bekaa; Major Haddad rejects buffer troops before PLO pullout; Muslim leadership fears that IDF and Phalangist ally will occupy W. Beirut if PLO leaves before arrival of international force.
Arab Governments: Arab League head says quorum of member states agree to attend meeting; Sudan indicates willingness to provide refuge for guerrillas; in Kuwait, 100,000 protest Israeli invasion; Jordan announces willingness to accept some fighters; Iraq signals approval; Syria agrees to accept PLO leadership and headquarters and any fighters who served under Syrian command in Lebanon; King Hussein willing to grant general amnesty to Palestinians holding Jordanian passports who fled after 1970 civil war.
US and Other Countries: Shultz sends letter to Begin assuring Israel a final agreement nears completion; Newsweek poll indicates 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 43 percent favor cutting off Israeli military aid, nearly half think US should deal directly with the PLO (43 percent opposed); France has two regiments of paratroopers on stand-by orders to go to Beirut to supervise PLO evacuation; Italian government ready to send mechanized battalion to join French regiments.