Military Action:
Cease-fire holds for second day; IDF accuses PLO of breaking cease-fire with small arms fire at IDF units near Burj al-Barajneh; car bomb in Bhamdoun.
Three IDF soldiers, 5 Lebanese civilians wounded in Bhamdoun; Israeli casualties now put at 322 killed, 1,900 wounded.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Gen. Sharon says he told US Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Secretary of State Haig 10 days before invasion that Israel "must act in Lebanon" (Weinberger denies).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese general returns from Syria with agreement on evacuation from Beirut of 1,500 Syrian troops, 3,500 member Syrian controlled Palestine Liberation Army.
US and Other Countries: Habib wins Syrian agreement to withdraw from Beirut, flies to Israel seeking final agreement on withdrawal; Shultz optimistic about peaceful resolution of crisis; US National Security Council meets to discuss Lebanon; US Jewish, Christian groups meet on Lebanon; West German government condemns indiscriminate IDF bombardment.
UN: Acrimony permeates Security Council debate on Lebanon.