Military Action: After fourth consecutive day of fighting between Druze and Phalange, IDF moves in, as Druze charge IDF delayed for "political" reasons; Lebanese Army continues razing squatter buildings near airport and at Ouzai, and when protestors burn tires, Army sends in 2 APCs which fire on crowd.
Current estimates of 12 dead, 60 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting; 4 killed by Lebanese Army in squatter protest; 1 IDF soldier killed, 5 wounded, 1 Lebanese civilian killed by bomb in Bhamdoun.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir suggests international force, possibly with US troops, be deployed in East and South Lebanon, but opposes presence along Israeli border; 17 percent of Israelis now favor unconditional withdrawal from Lebanon in Jerusalem Post poll (up from 10.8 percent before massacre); Cabinet revealed to have vetoed Begin plan for full-scale attack on Syria following October 3 bus ambush.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel emphasizes importance of US role in resolving Lebanon's crisis; senior Lebanese official says IDF started fighting between Druze and Phalange by allowing flow of arms into area.
UN: UN Secretary General recommends UN troops remain in Lebanon because of danger of factional strife.