Thursday, July 7, 1983

Military Action:

Assassination attempt on PM Wazzan.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shultz meets Begin, other Israeli officials, discusses consequences of IDF redeployment; Israeli official says redeployment is not withdrawal but entrenchment, IDF is willing to remain in Lebanon many years; Jewish religious student killed in Hebron, military government dismisses Acting Mayor Natshe and municipal council, curfew imposed, settlers ransack and burn market stalls and several stores in Hebron central market, 1 Arab killed; 2 Arabs sentenced to life imprisonment, 4 others jailed 7 to 18 years for murder of Jewish settler last year at Herodion; Jewish vigilante sentenced to 39 months imprisonment for shooting at car driven by Arab near Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO mediating team returns to Damascus.

US and Other Countries: Shultz ends Middle East visit with stops in Amman and Cairo, says he can't point to any substantive achievement, would not want to try to sell proposal to Congress that US troops with MNF take over positions abandoned by IDF redeployment.